MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Dr. Wolfgang Werncke
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- Tuning intramolecular anharmonic vibrational coupling in 4-nitroaniline by solvent-solute interaction Journal of Chemical Physics 127 (2007) 234505/1-7
- Mode-selective O-H stretching relaxation in a hydrogen bond studied by ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy The Journal of Chemical Physics 125 (2006) 074504/1-9
- Efficient multi-frequency generation of ultrashort light pulses using stimulated Raman scattering and optical parametric amplification Optics Communications 260 (2006) 307-310
- Ultrafast excitation of out-of-plane vibrations and vibrational energy redistribution after internal conversion of 4-nitroaniline Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy XI (2006) 281-286
- Stimulated Raman amplification of ultrashort seed pulses in compressed methane Journal of Optical Society American B 22 (2005) 453-458
- Influence of vibrational cooling on the time-dependence of stokes and anti-stokes resonance raman scattering Journal of Molecular Structure 735-736 (2005) 145-151
- Time-resolved resonance Raman scattering of the excited singlet state of 2-(2´-hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole after excited state intramolecular proton transfer Chemical Physics Letters 415 (2005) 121-125
- Vibrational excitation and energy redistribution after ultrafast intramolecular proton transfer of TINUVIN Ultrafast Phenomena XIV Springer Verlag (2005) 485-487
- Vibrational excitation after ultrafast Intramolecular proton transfer of TINUVIN: a time-resolved resonance Raman study Chemical Physics Letters 399 (2004) 484-489
- Vibrational excitation and energy redistribution due to back-electron transfer in para-nitroaniline Recent advances in ultrafast spectroscopy; Proceedings of the 'XII UPS Conference' Leo S. Olschki (2003) 397-403