MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Dr. Tobias Witting
+49 30 6392 1228
A2: Ultrafast XUV-Physics
Building A, 3.04
Senior Scientist, MBI division A, department A2
Member of projects:
- OPCPA development
- Amplification of few-cycle pulses at high repetition rates
- Nonlinear pulse compression
- Generation of few- and near-single-cycle laser pulses
- Hollow fibre pulse compression
- Multiple plate continuum generation
- Ultrafast metrology
- Characterisation of few- / single-cycle pulses
- Spatio-temporal pulse characterisation
- Characterisation of attosecond VUV and XUV pulses
- Attosecond science
- Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
- Attosecond fourier transform spectroscopy
- Attosecond pump-probe experiments with a reaction microscope
my google scholar profile, my ORCID profile: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2512-1840
personal website: https://tobiaswitting.wordpress.com/
Curriculum vitae
2016 - present Senior Scientist Max-Born-Institut, Berlin, Germany
2010 – 2016 Consultant Physicist, Imperial Consultants Ltd, London, UK
2009 – 2011 Research Associate, Blackett Laboratory, Physics Department, Imperial College London, UK
2005 – 2005 Research Assistant, Institute of Physics and Center for Nanotechnology, University of Münster, Germany
2005 – 2009 DPhil Atomic & Laser Physics, University of Oxford, UK, Prof. Ian A. Walmsley
2003 – 2005 Diplom-Physiker, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Muenster, Germany
MBI Publications
- Interferometric time-domain ptychography for ultrafast pulse characterization Optics Letters 42 (2017) 2185-2188
- Role of intrapulse coherence in carrier-envelope phase stabilization Physical Review Letters 119 (2017) 123901/1-5
- Attosecond physics at the nanoscale Reports on Progress in Physics 80 (2017) 054401/1-50
- CEP-stable few-cycle pulses with more than 190 μJ of energy at 100 kHz from a noncollinear optical parametric amplifier Optics Letters 42 (2017) 2495-2498
- Strong-field ionization of clusters using two-cycle pulses at 1.8 μm Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 39664
- Optimization of Quantum Trajectories Driven by Strong-Field Waveforms Physical Review X 4 (2014) 021028/1-9