MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Prof. Dr. Thomas Fennel
+49 30 6392 1245
A1: Strong Field Processes at Extreme Wavelengths
Building A, 3.03

MBI Publications
- Ultrafast strong-field electron emission and collective effects at a one-dimensional nanostructure ACS Photonics 10 (2023) 447-455
- Tracing attosecond electron emission from a nanometric metal tip Nature 616 (2023) 702-706
- Characterization of laser-induced ionization dynamics in solid dielectrics ACS Photonics 9 (2022) 233–240
- Strong-field physics with nanospheres Advanced in Physics: X7 online (2022) 2010595/1-60
- Few-femtosecond resolved imaging of laser-driven nanoplasma expansion New Journal of Physics 24 (2022) 043024/1-17
- Diffraction imaging of light induced dynamics in xenon-doped helium nanodroplets New Journal of Physics 24 (2022) 113043/1-15
- Reconstruction of strong-field-driven carrier generation dynamics from injection harmonics in solid dielectrics Ultrafast Phenomena 2022, Optica Publishing Group, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Tu4A. 14 (2022)
- Onset of charge interaction in strong-field photoemission from nanometric needle tips Nanophotonics 10 (2021) 3769-3775
- Ionization-induced subcycle metallization of nanoparticles in few-cycle pulses ACS Photonics 7 (2020) 3207–3215
- Quantum coherent diffractive imaging Journal of Physics: Photonics 2 (2020) 024007/1-11