MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Dipl.-Phys. Ming Yang
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- The hydrogen-bonded 2-pyridone dimer model system. 2. Femtosecond mid-infrared pump-probe study The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114 (2010) 12195-12201
- Ultraschnelle Schwingungsdynamik und lokale Wechselwirkungen in hydratisierter DNA Angewandte Chemie 122 (2010) 3680-3693
- Ultrafast vibrational dynamics and local interactions of hydrated DNA Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 49 (2010) 3598-3611
- Ultrafast energy exchange via water-phosphate interactions in hydrated DNA Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (2010) 7951-7957