MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Prof. Dr. Mikhail Ivanov
+49 30 6392 1210
T1: Attosecond Theory Group
Building A, 2.14

MBI Publications
- Rotational quantum beat lasing without inversion Optica 7 (2020) 586-592
- Population transfer to high angular momentum states in infrared-assisted XUV photoionization of helium Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53 (2020) 164003/1-15
- Signatures of the orbital angular momentum of an infrared light beam in the two-photon transition matrix element: A step toward attosecond chronoscopy of photoionization Physical Review A 101 (2020) 033412/1-5
- Attosecond spectral singularities in solid-state high-harmonic generation Nature Photonics 14 (2020) 183–187
- Spatial molecular interferometry via multidimensional high harmonic spectroscopy Nature Photonics 14 (2020) 188-194
- Direct numerical observation of real-space recollision in high-order harmonic generation from solids Physical Review A 100 (2019) 043420/1-6
- Synthetic chiral light for efficient control of chiral light–matter interaction Nature Photonics 13 (2019) 866-871
- Topological strong-field physics on sub-laser-cycle timescale Nature Photonics 13 (2019) 849-854
- Study of plasma formation in solid dielectrics with the help of low-order harmonic emission SPIE Proceedings 109050O/1-6 (2019)
- Molecular Auger interferometry Physical Review Letters 122 (2019) 233001/1-6