MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Prof. Dr. Mikhail Ivanov
+49 30 6392 1210
T1: Attosecond Theory Group
Building A, 2.14
MBI Publications
- Bidirectional cascaded superfluorescent lasing in air enabled by resonant third harmonic photon exchange from Nitrogen to Argon Physical Review Letters 133 (2024) 063201/1-6
- Sub-cycle dynamics of excitons under strong laser fields Science Advances 10 (2024) eadn6985/1-8
- Chiral topological light for detection of robust enantiosensitive observables Nature Photonics online (2024) 1-9
- Universal valley control with polarization tailored light Proceedings of SPIE 12992 (2024) 129920E/
- Polarization-shaped strong field control over valley polarization with mid-IR light Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology (ATTO 2023) 300 Springer Proceedings in Physics (2024) 195-202
- Valleytronics in bulk MoS2 with a topologic optical field Nature 628 (2024) 746-751
- Ultrafast dephasing in solid-state high harmonic generation: macroscopic origin revealed by real-space dynamics Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41 (2024) B40-B46
- Observation of interband Berry phase in laser-driven crystals Nature 626 (2024) 66-71
- Sub-cycle multidimensional spectroscopy of strongly correlated materials Nature Photonics 18 (2024) 432–439
- Control of spin polarization through recollisions Physical Review A 108 (2023) 043104/1-8