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MBI Publications

  1. Spectroscopic study of the excitonic structure in monolayer MoS2 under multi-variate physical and chemical stimuli

    V. Bender, T. Bucher, M. N. Mishuk, Y. Xie, I. Staude, F. Eilenberger, K. Busch, T. Pertsch, B. N. Tugchin

    Physica status solidi a online (2023) 202300113/1-24
  2. Binary addressable optical multiplexing waveguides via electrochromic switching

    S.-Y. Rhim, M. Heyl, K. Busch, E. J.W. List-Kratochvil

    Physica Status Solidi a online (2023) 2300177/1-6
  3. Coherent dimension reduction with integrated photonic circuits exploiting tailored disorder

    D. Wendland, M. Becker, F. Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, I. Bente, K. Busch, B. Risse, W. H. P. Pernice

    Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40 (2023) B35-B40
  4. Halevi's extension of the Euler-Drude model for plasmonic systems

    G. Wegner, D. Huynh, N. A. Mortensen, F. Intravaia, K. Busch

    Physical Review B 107 (2023) 115425/1-18
  5. Localization effects from local phase shifts in the modulation of waveguide arrays

    K. Tschernig, A. Perez-Leija, K. Busch

    Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40 (2023) B41-B48
  6. Electromagnetic viscosity in complex structured environments: From black-body to quantum friction

    M. Oelschläger, D. Reiche, C. H. Egerland, K. Busch, F. Intravaia

    Physical Review A 106 (2022) 052205/1-16
  7. Uniform optical gain as a non-Hermitian control knob

    A. Hashemi, K. Busch, S. K. Ozdemir, R. El-Ganainy

    Physical Review Research 4 (2022) 043169/1-8
  8. The missing link between standing- and traveling-wave resonators

    Q. Zhong, H. Zhao, L. Feng, K. Busch, Ş. K. Özdemir, R. El-Ganainy

    Nanophotonics 11 (2022) 4427-4437
  9. Branching high-order exceptional points in Non-Hermitian optical systems

    K. Tschernig, K. Busch, D. N. Christodoulides, A. Perez-Leija

    Laser & Photonics Reviews 16 (2022) 2100707/1-9
  10. Wading through the void: Exploring quantum friction and nonequilibrium fluctuations

    D. Reiche, F. Intravaia, K. Busch

    APL Photonics 7 (2022) 030902/1-9