MBI Staff Member – Personal info

MBI Publications

  1. Correlated photons in one-dimensional waveguides

    M. Moeferdt, P. Schmidteckert, K. Busch

    Optics Letters 38 (2013) 3693-3695
  2. Strongly coupled slow-light polaritons in one-dimensional disordered localized states

    J. Gao, S. Combrie, B. Liang, P. Schmitteckert, G. Lehoucq, S. Xavier, X. Xu, K. Busch, D. L. Huffaker, de Rossi, A., C. W. Wong

    Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 1994-1999
  3. Simple magneto-optic transition metal models for time-domain simulations

    C. Wolff, R. Rodriguez-Oliveros, K. Busch

    Optics Express 21 (2013) 12022-12037
  4. In situ observation of plasmon tuning in a single gold nanoparticle during controlled melting

    A. Kuhlicke, S. Schietinger, C. Matyssek, K. Busch, O. Benson

    Nano Letters 13 (2013) 2041-2046
  5. Quantitative experimental determination of scattering and absorption cross-section spectra of individual optical metallic nanoantennas

    M. Husnik, S. Linden, R. Diehl, J. Niegemann, K. Busch, M. Wegener

    Physical Review Letters 109 (2012) 233902/1-5
  6. A construction guide to analytically generated meshes for the Fourier Modal Method

    J. Küchenmeister, T. Zebrowski, K. Busch

    Optics Express 20 (2012) 17319-17347
  7. Constraints in the generation of photonic Wannier functions

    C. Wolff, K. Busch

    Physica B-Condensed Matter 407 (2012) 4051-4055
  8. The Houng-Ou-Mandel effect in the context of few-photon scattering

    P. Longo, J. H. Cole, K. Busch

    Optics Express 20 (2012) 12326-12340
  9. Pulse propagation of photon-added coherent states in waveguides with side-coupled nonlinear cavities

    P. Longo, K. Busch

    Optics Letters 37 (2012) 1793-1795