MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Prof. Dr. Klaus Reimann
+49 30 6392 1476
C3: Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Solids
Building C, 1.1

MBI Publications
- Underdamped longitudinal soft modes in ionic crystallites - lattice and charge motions observed by ultrafast x-ray diffraction Structural Dynamics 9 (2022) 024501/1-10
- Phonon-induced relocation of valence charge in boron nitride observed by ultrafast x-ray diffraction Physical Review Letters 128 (2022) 136402/1-6
- Terahertz polaron oscillations of electrons solvated in liquid water Physical Review Letters 126 (2021) 097401/1-5
- Two-color two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy: A new approach for exploring even-order nonlinearities in the nonperturbative regime Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (2021) 154203/1-9
- Mono-cycle terahertz pulses from intersubband shift currents in asymmetric semiconductor quantum wells Optica 8 (2021) 1638-1641
- Ultrafast nonlinear phonon response of few-layer hexagonal boron nitride Physical Review B 104 (2021) L140302/1-6
- Two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy of condensed-phase molecular systems Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (2021) 120901/1-14
- Nonlinear terahertz response of solvated electrons in liquid water The 22nd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2020 OSA Publishing (2020) doi.org/10.1364/UP.2020.Th4A.4
- Field-induced tunneling ionization and terahertz-driven electron dynamics in liquid water Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (2020) 7717–7722
- Spatial distribution of electric-field enhancement across the gap of terahertz bow-tie antennas Optics Express 28 (2020) 24389-24398