MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Dr. Joachim Herrmann
No longer employed at MBI
MBI Publications
- Theory of nonlinear coupled-cavity modelocking J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 13 (1996) 1542-1558
- Coherent Raman response and spectral characteristics of ultrashort solitons in fibers Physical Review E 53 (1996) 6492-6495
- Self-phase modulation and high-power steady-state pulses in a weakly ionized coherent amplifier Phys. Rev. A 51 (1995) 1565-1570
- Hidden mechanism for mode locking solid-state lasers by use of a slow off resonant saturable absorber Opt. Lett. 20 (1995) 994-996
- Operating principle, saturable loss and self-frequency shift in kerr-shift mode-locked laser Optics Letters 20 (1995) 22-25
- Astigmatism and gain guiding in Kerr-lens modelocked lasers Opt. Lett. 20 (1995) 825-827
- Soliton self-frequency shift for pulses with a duration less than the period of molecular oscillations Optics Letters 19 (1994) 2065-2067
- Theory of Kerr-lens mode locking; role of the self focusing and radially varying gain J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 11 (1994) 498-512
- Geometrical threshold zones and Gaussian modes in laser with radially varying gain Opt. Lett. 19 (1994) 1696-98
- Period cycles, chaotic behaviour and spectral broadening in a nonlinear cavity, synchronously pumped with a pulse train Opt. Comm. 104 (1994) 405--418