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MBI Publications

  1. On the electronic structure of Cu chlorophyllin and its breakdown products: a Carbon K-Edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy study

    K. Witte, I. Mantouvalou, R. Sánchez-de-Armas, H. Lokstein, J. Lebendig-Kuhla, A. Jonas, F. Roth, B. Kanngießer, H. Stiel

    Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122 (2018) 1846−1851
  2. Optimizing soft X-ray NEXAFS spectroscopy in the laboratory

    I. Mantouvalou, A. Jonas, K. Witte, R. Jung, H. Stiel, B. Kanngießer

    SPIE Proceedings Series 10243 (2017) 08-1/1-8
  3. Single shot near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy in the laboratory

    I. Mantouvalou, K. Witte, W. Martyanov, A. Jonas, D. Grötzsch, C. Streeck, H. Löchel, I. Rudolph, A. Erko, H. Stiel, B. Kanngießer

    Applied Physics Letters 108 (2016) 201106 /1-4
  4. Magnesium K-edge NEXAFS spectroscopy of chlorophyll a in solution

    K. Witte, C. Streeck, I. Mantouvalou, S. A. Suchkova, H. Lokstein, D. Groetzsch, W. Martyanov, J. Weser, B. Kanngiesser, B. Beckhoff, H. Stiel

    Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120 (2016) 11619–11627
  5. High average power, highly brilliant laser-produced plasma source for soft X-ray spectroscopy

    I. Mantouvalou, K. Witte, D. Grötzsch, M. Neitzel, S. Günther, J. Baumann, R. Jung, H. Stiel, B. Kanngießer, W. Sandner

    Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (2015) 035116/1-9
  6. Laboratory full-field transmission x-ray microscopy

    C. Seim, J. Baumann, H. Legall, C. Redlich, I. Mantouvalou, G. Blobel, H. Stiel, B. Kanngießer

    SPIE Digital Library 8678 (2012) 867808/1-10
  7. Note: Study of extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray emission of metal targets produced by laser-plasma-interaction

    I. Mantouvalou, R. Jung, J. Tuemmler, H. Legall, T. Bidu, H. Stiel, W. Malzer, B. Kanngießer, W. Sandner

    Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (2011) 066103/1-3