MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Dr. Federico Furch
+49 30 6392 1277
A3: Ultrafast Lasers and Nonlinear Optics
Building A, 3.28
Staff Scientist. Coordinator Project 4.1
Member of Projects: 1.2, 2.1, and 4.1
My research activites are focused on the development of laser-based light sources for specific applications: Attosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, strong field physics and novel approaches in material processing. In the last few years I have devoted most of my efforts to the development of high repetition rate, high average power optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers (OPCPA) at 800 nm. Together with my colleagues at MBI and with the help of external collaborators, we have successfully built two unique OPCPAs deliviering extremely short laser pulses (~7 fs, only 2.5 optical cycles) with moderately high energies (10 and 190 μJ) at high repetition rates (400 and 100 kHz). In addition, we are able to control the carrier-envelope phase, or CEP of these ultrashort, high energy pulses.
I am also interested in the implementation of non-linear techniques for further pulse compression of laser amplifiers and OPCPAs down to the single cycle limit, and the generation of high-order harmonics and isolated attosecond pulses in the extreme ultraviolet with high average power. We have already successfully demonstrated the non-linear post-compression of our high power OPCPA to generate CEP-stable, near-single-cycle pulses (< 4 fs, < 1.5 optical cycles) at 100 kHz with an average power of 10 W.
Curriculum vitae
2015-Present: Staff Scientist at Max Born Institute.
2011-2015: Post doctoral researcher at Max Born Institute, Berlin (Germany). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marc J. J. Vrakking.
2010-2011: Post doctoral researcher at FOM-AMOLF institute, Amsterdam (Netherlands). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marc J. J. Vrakking.
2004-2010: PhD in Physics, Colorado State University (USA). Dissertation: "Development of an all-diode-pumped soft-x-ray laser". Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jorge J. Rocca (Engineering Research Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Science and Technology).
1998-2004: Licenciate degree in Physics, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Thesis: "Low coherence interferometry for distance measurements", Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jorge R. Torga.
Recent highlight(s)
Dr. Federico Furch zum OSA-Botschafter 2018 ernannt (Dr. Federico Furch named 2018 OSA Ambassador)
MBI Publications
- Sub-4 fs laser pulses at high average power and high repetition rate from an all-solid-state setup Optics Express 26 (2018) 8941-8956
- Continuous every-single-shot carrier-envelope phase measurement and control at 100 kHz Optics Letters 43 (2018) 3850-3853
- Numerical study of spatiotemporal distortions in noncollinear optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers Optics Express 25 (2017) 3104-3121
- Ion-ion coincidence imaging at high event rate using an in-vacuum pixel detector Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (2017) 013919
- CEP-stable few-cycle pulses with more than 190 μJ of energy at 100 kHz from a noncollinear optical parametric amplifier Optics Letters 42 (2017) 2495-2498
- Close to transform-limited, few-cycle 12 µJ pulses at 400 kHz for applications in ultrafast spectroscopy Optics Express 24 (2016) 19293-19310
- Few-cycle pulses for bulk micro-machining of fused silica SPIE Proceedings Series 9740 (2016) 97401B/1-6
- Carrier-envelope phase stable few-cycle pulses at 400 kHz for electron-ion coincidence experiments Optics Express 21 (2013) 22671-22682
- Photoelectron imaging of XUV photoionization of Co2 by 13-40 eV synchrotron radiation Journal of Chemical Physics 139 (2013) 124309/1-10
Other Publications
Non-technical and/or non-peer-reviewed
- G. M. Bilmes, G. A. Torchia, J. Torga, O. E. Martínez, Silvia E. Braslavsky, F. J. Furch, M. García, C. Saraceno, "Argentina's Economic Crisis Threatens Science", Optics & Photonics News, March 2019.
- Federico J. Furch, "A Global, Diverse and Inclusive OSA: Challenges and Opportunities", OSA blog, posted online on 26 October 2018.
- Felipe Beltrán-Mejía and Federico J. Furch, "Jumpstart a Research Career, Anywhere", Optics & Photonics News, October 2018.
- Brendan Reagan, Keith Wernsing, Alden Curtis, Federico J. Furch, Brad Luther, Dinesh Patel, Carmen Menoni, Mark Woolston and Jorge Rocca, "Powerful high-repetition-rate tabletop soft x-ray lasers", SPIE Newsroom, invited SPIE News article, 2013
- United States Patent Nr. US 9,209,598 B1, Brendan A. Reagan, Jorge J. Rocca, Keith. A Wernsing, Alden H. Curtis, Bradley M. Luther, Federico J. Furch, "Cooling system for high average power laser", issued on December 8th 2015.
Refereed Journal pulications and SPIE proceedings outside MBI
- Jorge J. Rocca, Brendan A. Reagan, Keith A. Wernsing, Yong Wang, Liam Yin, Shoujun Wang, Mark Berrill, Mark R. Woolston, Alden H. Curtis, Federico J. Furch, Vyacheslav N. Shlyaptsev, Brad M. Luther, Dinesh Patel, Mario C. Marconi, Carmen S. Menoni, "High-average-power 100-Hz repetition rate table-top soft x-ray lasers", Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8849, 88490N (2013).
- Brendan A. Reagan, Keith A. Wernsing, Alden H. Curtis, Federico J. Furch, Bradley M. Luther, Dinesh Patel, Carmen S. Menoni, and Jorge J. Rocca, "Demonstration of a 100 Hz repetition rate gain-saturated diode-pumped table-top soft x-ray laser," Opt. Lett. 37, 3624-3626 (2012).
- Brendan A. Reagan, Alden H. Curtis, Keith A. Wernsing, Federico J. Furch, Bradley M. Luther, "Development of High Energy Diode-Pumped Thick-Disk Yb:YAG Chirped-Pulse-Amplification Lasers, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 48, 827-836 (2012).
- Jorge J. Rocca, Yong Wang, David A. Alessi, Brendan A. Reagan, Brad M. Luther, Alden H. Curtis, Keith A. Wernsing, Federico J. Furch, Mark R. Woolston, Dale H. Marz, Vyacheslav N. Shlyaptsev, Mark Berrill, "Advances in high repetition rate table-top soft x-ray lasers", Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8140, 81400I (2011).
- A. H. Curtis, B. A. Reagan, K. A. Wernsing, F. J. Furch, B. M. Luther, and J. J. Rocca, "Demonstration of a compact 100 Hz, 0.1 J, diode-pumped picosecond laser," Opt. Lett. 36, 2164-2166 (2011).
- Federico J. Furch, Brendan A. Reagan, Bradley M. Luther, Alden H. Curtis, Shaun P. Meehan, and Jorge J. Rocca, "Demonstration of an all-diode-pumped soft x-ray laser," Opt. Lett. 34, 3352-3354 (2009).
- Dinesh Patel, Peter Langston, Ashot S. Markosyan, Erik M. Krous, Bemjamin Langdon, Federico J. Furch, Brendan A. Reagan, Roger Route, Martin M. Fejer, Jorge J. Rocca, Carmen S. Menoni, "SiO2/HfO2 multilayers: impact of process parameters and stack geometry on the optical and structural properties", Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7132, 71320L (2008).