MBI Staff Member – Personal info
Dr. Benjamin Philipp Fingerhut
T4: Biomolecular Dynamics
Building C, 3.3
MBI Publications
- Decay pathways of thymine revisited Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122 (2018) 4819–4828
- Ultrafast vibrational relaxation and energy dissipation of hydrated excess protons in polar solvents Chemical Physics Letters 713 (2018) 111-116
- Vibrational dynamics and couplings of the hydrated RNA backbone – a 2D-IR study Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 (2018) 583-587
- Ultrafast photochemistry with two product channels: Wavepacket motion through two distinct conical intersections Chemical Physics Letters 683 (2017) 128-134
- Coarse-grained representation of the quasi adiabatic propagator path integral for the treatment of non-Markovian long-time bath memory Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (2017) 214101/1-13
- Molecular couplings and energy exchange between DNA and water mapped by femtosecond infrared spectroscopy of backbone vibrations Structural Dynamics 4 (2017) 044015/1-15
- Simulating coherent multidimensional spectroscopy of nonadiabatic molecular processes: from the infrared to the X-ray regime Chemical Reviews 117 (2017) 12165–12226
- Large-amplitude transfer motion of hydrated excess protons mapped by ultrafast 2D IR spectroscopy Science 357 (2017) 491–495
- Coherent Dynamics of Phosphate Ions in Bulk H2O Ultrafast Phenomena XX Optical Society of America (2016) UTh3B.7/1-3
- The hydrated excess proton - ultrafast vibrational dynamics of the Zundel cation (H5O2)+ Ultrafast Phenomena XX Optical Society of America (2016) UTh4A.8/1-3