MBI Staff Member – Personal info

Dr. Andrey Gitin

No longer employed at MBI

MBI Publications

  1. Phase space description of vignetting in optical systems

    A. Gitin

    Optics Communications 285 (2012) 2485–2491
  2. Tautochronism principle and grating dispersive delay lines

    A. Gitin

    Applied Optics 51 (2012) 27-32
  3. Dirac bra-ket in radiometry of quasi-homogeneous sources

    A. Gitin

    Applied Optics 50 (2011) 6073-6083
  4. Radiometry of optical systems with quasi-homogeneous sources: A linear systems approach

    A. Gitin

    Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 122 (2011) 1713-1718
  5. Pulse width in the spatial chirp of a two-grating delay line

    A. Gitin, A A. Andreev

    Journal of Optical Technology 78 (2011) 651-658
  6. The Legendre transformations in Hamiltonian optics

    A. Gitin

    Journal of the European Optical Society 5 (2010) 10022/1-4
  7. Optimal two-mirror system for laser radiation focusing

    A. Gitin

    Quantum Electronics 39 (2009) 977-980
  8. Aberrational vignetting and eikonal theory

    A. Gitin

    J. Eur. Opt. Soc. 4 (2009) 09046/1-4
  9. The Legendre transformation as a way of constructing a phase portrait of beams of light rays

    A. Gitin

    Optics Communications 282 (2009) 757–762
  10. Device for enhancing the time contrast of utrashort laser pulses based on a polarisation Mach—Zehnder interferometer

    A. V. Gitin

    Quantum Electronics 39 (2009) 154-156