Fr, 19.07.2024  |  13:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Raum: 2.102, Newtonstr. 15 (Adlershof)

Physik ultraschneller Prozesse (Kurzzeitspektroskopie)

Prof. Dr. Nathalie Picqué | Prof. Dr. Günter Steinmeyer | Max-Born-Institut | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Di, 13.08.2024  |  14:00 Uhr
Raum: Small Max Born Hall

Nonlinear spectroscopy and coherent control: from the visible to the XUV spectral domain

Dr. Lukas Bruder | University of Freiburg

We develop nonlinear spectroscopy and coherent control techniques in the gas phase at visible wavelengths and push current boundaries towards…
Mi, 04.09.2024  |  14:00 Uhr
Raum: Max Born Hall

Deciphering the mechanism of animal magnetic navigation: Geometric phase

Prof. Ronnie Kosloff | Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Magnetic sensing is commonly found in migratory species, and was shown to depend on ambient blue/UV light. We hypothesize that visual opsin with a…
Mi, 18.09.2024  |  14:00 Uhr
Raum: Max Born Hall
MBI Colloquium

Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics in Gas-Filled Hollow-Core Fibres: From Supercontinuum to Attosecond X-ray Pulses

Prof. John Travers | Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Nonlinear optics is required to develop new light sources that go beyond the range of wavelengths and pulse durations naturally achieved with laser…
Di, 01.10.2024  |  10:00 Uhr
Raum: seminar room A, house A, room 2.01

Soft x-ray scatterometry for semiconductor metrology

Dr. Peter Smorenburg | ASML Research, The Netherlands

With the breakthrough of EUV lithography, the spatial scale in semiconductor manufacturing has decreased to well below the resolution limits of…
Di, 01.10.2024  |  14:00 Uhr
Raum: Max Born Hall
MBI Colloquium

ASML Introduction and Recent Developments in Measurement and Metrology

Dr. Maarten Voncken | ASML Research, The Netherlands

Maarten Voncken will first give a general introduction of ASML, what is the company doing, what is driving its business and how ASML has been driving…
Mi, 02.10.2024  |  14:00 Uhr
Raum: Max Born Hall
MBI Colloquium

Controlling chemistry at extreme time scales

Prof. Francesca Calegari | Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), DESY Hamburg

The technological breakthrough of attosecond light sources1, which was highlighted with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2023, has given us direct access…