MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dr. Wolfgang Werncke

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Two-color Raman spectroscopy for the simultaneous detection of chemotherapeutics and antioxidative status of human skin

    W. Werncke, I. Latka, S. Sassning, B. Dietzek, M. E. Darvin, M. C. Meinke, J. Popp, K. König, J. W. Fluhr, J. Lademann

    Laser Physics Letters 8 (2011) 895-900
  2. The vibrational pumping mechanism in surface enhanced Raman scattering-a sub-picosecond time-resolved study

    W. Werncke, V. Kozich

    AIP Conference Proceedings 1267 (2010) 71
  3. The vibrational pumping mechanism in surface-enhanced Raman scattering: A subpicosecond time-resolved study

    V. Kozich, W. Werncke

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (2010) 10484-10488
  4. Ultrafast redistribution of vibrational energy after excitation of NH stretching modes in DNA oligomers

    V. Kozich, Ł. Szyc, E. T. J. Nibbering, W. Werncke, T. Elsaesser

    Chemical Physics Letters 473 (2009) 171-175
  5. Pathways of vibrational relaxation after N-H stretching excitation in intermolecular hydrogen bonds

    V. Kozich, J. Dreyer, W. Werncke

    Ultrafast Phenomena XVI Springer (2009) 496-498
  6. Mode-selective vibrational redistribution after spectrally selective N-H stretching mode excitation in intermolecular hydrogen bonds

    V. Kozich, J. Dreyer, W. Werncke

    Journal of Chemical Physics 130 (2009) 034505/1-7
  7. Time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy of vibrational populations monitored after electronic and infrared excitation

    W. Werncke, V. Kozich, J. Dreyer

    AIP Conference Proceedings, Perspectives in vibrational spectroscopy 1075 (2008) 38-42
  8. Influence of gas circulation on stimulated Raman scattering and amplification of ultrashort laser pulses in methane

    A. I. Vodchits, V. A. Orlovich, W. Werncke, V. P. Kozich

    Optics Communications 281 (2008) 3190-3195
  9. Mode-selective O-H stretching relaxation in a hydrogen bond studied by ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy

    W. Werncke, V. Kozich, J. Dreyer, S. Ashihara, T. Elsaesser

    Ultrafast Phenomena XV Springer (2007) 448-450
  10. Non-degenerate second-order scattering and difference combination bands in infrared-pump/anti-Stokes resonance Raman-probe experiments

    V. Kozich, W. Werncke

    Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 38 (2007) 1180-1185