Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sandner
Nicht mehr am MBI
MBI Publikationen
- Detailed characterization of electron sources yielding first demonstration of European X-ray Free-Electron Laser beam quality Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 13 (2010) 020704/1-33
- Mechanisms underlying strong-field double ionization of argon dimers Physical Review A 82 (2010) 013413/1-9
- Laser-driven ion acceleration using isolated mass-limited spheres New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 113013/1-12
- Hybrid ion acceleration with ultrathin composite foils irradiated by high intensity circularly-polarized laser light Physics of Plasmas 17 (2010) 123111/1-11
- Efficient ion acceleration by collective laser-driven electron dynamics with ultra-thin foil targets Laser and Particle Beams 28 (2010) 215-221
- Influence of ambient plasmas to the field dynamics of laser driven mass-limited targets AIP Conference Proceedings 1209 (2010) 111-114
- Attosecond coincidence spectroscopy of diatomic molecules Ultrafast Phenomena XVI Proceedings of the 16th International Conference, Springer Series in Chemical Physics 92 (2009) 78
- Acceleration of neutral atoms in strong short-pulse laser fields Nature 461 (2009) 1261-1264
- Radiation-pressure acceleration of ion beams driven by circularly polarized laser pulses Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 245003/1-4
- X-ray laser takes the 100 Hz barrier SPIE Proceedings Series 7451 (2009) 745109-1