MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

MBI Publikationen

  1. Coherent diffractive imaging of single helium nanodroplets with a high harmonic generation source

    D. Rupp, N. Monserud, B. Langbehn, M. Sauppe, J. Zimmermann, Y. Ovcharenko, T. Möller, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, A. Trabattoni, F. Calegari, M. Nisoli, K. Sander, C. Peltz, M. J. J. Vrakking, T. Fennel, A. Rouzée

    Nature Communications 8 (2017) 493/1-6
  2. Nanoplasmonic electron acceleration by attosecond-controlled forward rescattering in silver clusters

    J. Passig, S. Zherebtsov, R. Irsig, M. Arbeiter, C. Peltz, S. Göde, S. Skruszewicz, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer, J. Tiggesbäumker, M. F. Kling, T. Fennel

    Nature Communications 8 (2017) 1181/1-7
  3. Signatures and mechanisms of plasmon-enhanced electron emission from clusters in few-cycle laser fields

    L. Seiffert, J. Köhn, C. Peltz, M. F Kling, T. Fennel

    Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 50 (2017) 224001/1-8
  4. Attosekunden-Stoppuhr für inelastische Elektronenstöße

    L. Seiffert, T. Fennel, F. Calegari, M.F. Kling

    Physik in unserer Zeit 48 (2017) 217-218
  5. Atomare Cluster im Fokus - Intensive Röntgenpulse enthüllen die Struktur und ultraschnelle Entwicklung einzelner Nanoteilchen

    Rupp, D., Fennel, T., Möller, T.

    Physik Journal 11 (2017) 33-39
  6. Attosecond physics at the nanoscale

    M. F. Ciappina, J. A. Pérez-Hernández, A. S. Landsman, W. A. Okell, S. Zherebtsov, B. Förg, J. Schötz, L. Seiffert, T. Fennel, T. Shaaran, T. Zimmermann, A. Chacón, R. Guichard, A. Zaïr, J. W. G. Tisch, J. P. Marangos, T. Witting, A. Braun, S. A. Maier, L. Roso, M. Krüger, P. Hommelhoff, M. F. Kling, F. Krausz, M. Lewenstein

    Reports on Progress in Physics 80 (2017) 054401/1-50
  7. Microscopic particle-in-cell approach

    C. Peltz, C. Varin, T. Brabec, T. Fennel

    Computational Strong-Field Quantum Dynamics De Gruyter Textbook (2017) 227–270
  8. How to propagate a wavefunction?

    D. Bauer, T. Fennel

    Computational Strong-Field Quantum Dynamics De Gruyter Textbook (2017) 1-44
  9. Attosecond chronoscopy of electron scattering in dielectric nanoparticles

    L. Seiffert, Q. Liu, S. Zherebtsov, A. Trabattoni, P. Rupp, M. C. Castrovilli, M. Galli, F. Süßmann, K. Wintersperger, J. Stierle, G. Sansone, L. Poletto, F. Frassetto, I. Halfpap, V. Mondes, C. Graf, E. Rühl, F. Krausz, M. Nisoli, T. Fennel, F. Calegari, M. F. Kling

    Nature Physics online (2017) 4129
  10. Quenching of material dependence in few-cycle driven electron acceleration from nanoparticles under many-particle charge interaction

    P. Rupp, L. Seiffert, Q. Liu, F. Süßmann, B. Ahn, B. För, C. G. Schäfer, M. Gallei, V. Mondes, A. Kessel, S. A. Trushin, C. Graf, E. Rühl, J. Lee, M. S. Kim, D. Kim, T. Fennel, M. F. Kling, S. Zherebtsov

    Journal of Modern Optics 64 (2017) 995-1003