Prof. Dr. Thomas Fennel
+49 30 6392 1245
A1: Strong Field Processes at Extreme Wavelengths
Haus A, 3.03

MBI Publikationen
- Coherent diffractive imaging of single helium nanodroplets with a high harmonic generation source Nature Communications 8 (2017) 493/1-6
- Nanoplasmonic electron acceleration by attosecond-controlled forward rescattering in silver clusters Nature Communications 8 (2017) 1181/1-7
- Signatures and mechanisms of plasmon-enhanced electron emission from clusters in few-cycle laser fields Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 50 (2017) 224001/1-8
- Attosekunden-Stoppuhr für inelastische Elektronenstöße Physik in unserer Zeit 48 (2017) 217-218
- Atomare Cluster im Fokus - Intensive Röntgenpulse enthüllen die Struktur und ultraschnelle Entwicklung einzelner Nanoteilchen Physik Journal 11 (2017) 33-39
- Attosecond physics at the nanoscale Reports on Progress in Physics 80 (2017) 054401/1-50
- Microscopic particle-in-cell approach Computational Strong-Field Quantum Dynamics De Gruyter Textbook (2017) 227–270
- How to propagate a wavefunction? Computational Strong-Field Quantum Dynamics De Gruyter Textbook (2017) 1-44
- Attosecond chronoscopy of electron scattering in dielectric nanoparticles Nature Physics online (2017) 4129
- Quenching of material dependence in few-cycle driven electron acceleration from nanoparticles under many-particle charge interaction Journal of Modern Optics 64 (2017) 995-1003