Dr. Serguei Patchkovskii
+49 30 6392 1241
T1: Attosecond Theory Group
Haus A, 3.09

MBI Publikationen
- Dissecting strong-field excitation dynamics with atomic-momentum spectroscopy Physical Review Letters 124 (2020) 233202/1-6
- Separation of strong-field ionization continua in laser-driven electron rescattering in the molecular frame Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conference on Attosecond Physics, Springer proceedings in Physics Series 220 Springer Singapore (2020)
- Two-dimensional partial-covariance mass spectrometry of large molecules based on fragment correlations Physical Review X 10 (2020) 041004/1-13
- State-resolved probing of attosecond timescale molecular dipoles The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (2019) 265–269
- Robust transverse structures in rescattered photoelectron wave packets and their observable consequences Physical Review A 99 (2019) 063424/1-10
- Orientation-dependent stereo Wigner time delay and electron localization in a small molecule Ultrafast Phenomena XXI 205 EJP Web of Conferences (2019) 06008/1-3
- Orientation-dependent stereo Wigner time delay and electron localization in a small molecule Science 360 (2018) 1326-1330
- Attosecond recorder of the polarization state of light Nature Communications 9 (2018) 850/1-6
- Sequential and direct ionic excitation in the strong-field ionization of 1-butene molecules Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (2018) 14708-14717
- Time-resolved inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy: from a bound molecule to an isolated atom Physical Review A 97 (2018) 043429/1-10