MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

MBI Publikationen

  1. Enantiosensitive steering of free-induction decay

    M. Khokhlova, E. Pisanty, S. Patchkovskii, O. Smirnova, M. Ivanov

    Science Advances 8 (2022) eabq1962 /1-8
  2. Quantum coherence in molecular photoionization

    M. Ruberti, S. Patchkovskii, V. Averbukh

    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2022) 19673-19686
  3. Highly spin-polarized multi-GeV electron beams generated by single-species plasma photocathodes

    Z. Nie, F. Li, F. Morales, S. Patchkovskii, O. Smirnova, W. An, C. Zhang, Y. Wu, N. Namb, D. Matteo, K. A. Marsh, F. Tsung, W. B. Mori, C. Josh

    Physical Review Research 4 (2022) 033015/1-8
  4. Rydberg atomic antenna in strongly driven multielectron atoms

    S. Carlström, J. M. Dahlström, M. Y. Ivanov, S. Patchkovskii

    Physical Review A 106 (2022) 043114/1-7
  5. General time-dependent configuration-interaction singles. II. Atomic case

    S. Carlström, M. Bertolino, J. M. Dahlström, S. Patchkovskii

    Physcal Review A 106 (2022) 042806/1-15
  6. General time-dependent configuration-interaction singles. I. Molecular case

    S. Carlström, M. Spanner, S. Patchkovskii

    Physical Review A 106 (2022) 043104/1-13
  7. Role of spin-orbit coupling in high-order harmonic generation revealed by supercycle Rydberg trajectories

    N. Mayer, S. Beaulieu, Á. Jiménez-Galán, S. Patchkovskii, O. Kornilov, D. Descamps, S. Petit, O. Smirnova, Y. Mairesse, M. Y. Ivanov

    Physical Review Letters 129 (2022) 173202/1-5
  8. Imprinting chirality on atoms using synthetic chiral light fields

    N. Mayer, S. Patchkovskii, F. Morales, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova

    Physical Review Letters 129 (2022) 243201/1-6
  9. A look under the tunnelling barrier via attosecond-gated interferometry

    O. Kneller, D. Azoury, Y. Federman, M. Krüger, A. J. Uzan, G. Orenstein, B. D. Bruner, O. Smirnova, S. Patchkovskii, M. Y. Ivanov, Nirit Dudovich

    Nature Photonics 16 (2022) 304-310
  10. Generation and characterisation of isolated attosecond pulses at 100kHz repetition rate

    T. Witting, M. Osolodkov, F. Schell, F. Morales, S. Patchkovskii, P. Šušnjar, F. H. M. Cavalcante, C. S. Menoni, C. P. Schulz, F. J. Furch, M. J. J. Vrakking

    Optica 9 (2022) 145-151