MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dr. Peter Glas

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MBI Publikationen

  1. A neodymium doped hollow optical fiber laser for applications in sensing and laser guided atoms

    P. Glas, M. Naumann, A. Schirrmacher, T. Pertsch

    Opt. Commun. 166 (1999) 71-78
  2. Self-starting mode-locking of a Nd:glass fiber laser by use of the third-order nonlinearity of low-temperature-grown GaAs

    M. Leitner, P. Glas, T. Sandrock, M. Wrage, G. Apostolopoulos, A. Riedel, H. Kostial, J. Herfort, K.-J.Friedland, L.Däweritz

    Opt. Letters 24 (1999) 1567-1569
  3. Diode-pumped 1-W Er-doped fluoride glass M-profile fiber laser emitting at 2.8µm

    T. Sandrock, D. Fischer, P. Glas, M. Leitner, M. Wrage, A. Diening

    Opt. Lett. 24 (1999) 1284-1286
  4. High repetition rate fiber laser coupled to a linear cavity generating picosecond pulses

    P. Glas, M. Naumann, A. Schirrmacher, L. Dong, J. Caplen

    Fiber & Integrated Optics 17 (1998) 207-212
  5. The multicore fiber - a novel design for diode pumped fiber lasers

    P. Glas, M. Naumann, A. Schirrmacher, T. Pertsch

    Opt. Commun. 151 (1998) 187-195
  6. Short-length 10 W cw neodymium-doped M-profile fiber laser

    P. Glas, M. Naumann, A. Schirrmacher, S. Unger, T. Pertsch

    Appl. Opt. 37 (1998) 8434-8437
  7. A high power neodymium-doped fiber laser using a novel fiber geometry

    P. Glas, M. Naumann, A. Schirrmacher

    Opt. Commun. 141 (1997) 336-342
  8. Predicting the performance data for a fiber laser by measuring the emitted fluorescence power of the end-on pumped fiber

    P. Glas, M. Naumann, A. Schirrmacher, H.R. Müller, V. Reichel, S. Unger

    Fiber & Integrated Opt. 16 (1997) 103-113
  9. A novel design for high brightness fiber lasers pumped by high power diodes

    P. Glas, M. Naumann, I. Reng, A. Schirrmacher, H. L. Dong, J. Caplen

    Trends in Optics & Photonics 1 (1996) 417-421
  10. A novel design for high brightness fiber lasers pumped by high-power diodes

    P. Glas, M. Naumann, I. Reng, A. Schirrmacher, J.E. Townsend

    Rev. Mod. Opt. 43 (1996) 879