Dr. Mikhail Kalashnikov
Nicht mehr am MBI
MBI Publikationen
- MeV-proton emission from ultrafast laser-driven microparticles Appl. Phys. B-Lasers O. 78 (2004) 895-899
- Explosion characteristics of intense femtosecond-laser driven water droplets Physical Review E 70 (2004) 056401/1-10
- "On-line" cleaning of optical components in a multi TW-Ti:Sa laser system Vacuum 76 (2004) 45-49
- Characterization of a nonlinear filter for the front-end of high contrast double-CPA Ti:sapphire laser Optics Express 12 (2004) 5088-5097
- The photon collider at TESLA International Journal of Modern Physics A 19 (2004) 5097-5186
- Transient pumping of Ni-like Ag with a sub-ps pump pulse in a travelling-wave irradiation geometry Journal of The Optical Society America B 17 (2000) 1093 - 1097
- Dosimetric investigation of mixed electron-photon radiation fields produced with 30 fs pulses from 14 TW laser Physical Review E 61 (2000) 4394-4401
- Transient inversion of soft x-ray lasers Journal Quantum Electronics 5 (1999) 1447-1452
- Generation of intense Ni-like x-ray lasers at LULI: from 130 ps to 350 fs pumping pulses Institute of Physics Conference Series 159 (1999) 107-114
- New method of traveling wave generation and characterization for use on x-ray laser transient pumping experiments Institute of Physics Conference Series 159 (1999) 653-656