MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dr. Mikhail Kalashnikov

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Sub-7 fs radially-polarized pulses by post-compression in thin fused silica plates

    H. Cao, R. S. Nagymihaly, N. Khodakovskiy, V. Pajer, J. Bohus, R. Lopez-Martens, A. Borzsonyi, M. Kalashnikov

    Optics Express 29 (2021) 5915-5922
  2. High temporal contrast ultrashort pulses generated by nonlinear ellipse rotation in multipass cells

    V. Pajer, M. Kalashnikov

    Laser Physics Letters 18 (2021) 065401/1-6
  3. Broadband spectral characterization of the phase shift induced by population inversion in Ti:Sapphire

    R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, P. Jojart, V. Zuba, R. Flender, O. Antipov, I. Seres, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chvykov, K. Osvay, M. Kalashnikov

    Optics Express 27 (2019) 1226-1235
  4. Generation of few-cycle laser pulses with high temporal contrast via nonlinear elliptical polarisation rotation in a hollow fibre compressor

    N. G. Khodakovskiy, M. P. Kalashnikov, V. Pajer, A. Blumenstein, P. Simon, M. M. Toktamis, M. Lozano, B. Mercier, Z. Cheng, T. Nagy, R. Lopez-Martens

    Laser Physics Letters 16 (2019) 095001/1-5
  5. Carrier-envelope phase stability of a polarization-encoded chirped pulse Ti:Sapphire amplifier

    R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, P. Jojart, M. Kalashnikov, A. Borzsony, V. Chvykov, R. Flender, M. Kovacs, K. Osvay

    Journal of The Optical Society America B 35 (2018) A1-A5
  6. Highly efficient, cascaded extraction optical parametric amplifier

    H. Cao, S. Tóth, M. Kalashnikov, V. Chvykov, K. Osvay

    Optics Express 26 (2018) 7516-7527
  7. Active spectral shaping with polarizationen-coded Ti:sapphire amplifiers for sub-20 fs multi-terawatt systems

    H. Cao, M. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, N. Khodakovskiy, R. S. Nagymihaly, V. Chvykov

    Laser Physics Letters 15 (2018) 045003/1-8
  8. Contrast degradation in OPCPA systems induced by a pump with a post-pulse

    V. Pajer, M. Kalashnikov

    Laser Physics Letters 15 (2018) 095402/1-5
  9. Liquid-cooled Ti:Sapphire thin disk amplifiers for high average power 100-TW systems

    R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, D. Papp, G. Hajas, M. P. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, V. Chvykov

    Optics Express 25 (2017) 6664-6677
  10. Design of a thin disk amplifier with extraction during pumping for high peak and average power Ti:Sa systems (EDP-TD)

    V. Chvykov, R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, M. P. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay

    Optics Express 24 (2016) 25-28