MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

MBI Publikationen

  1. Ultrafast preparation and detection of ring currents in single atoms

    S. Eckart , M. Kunitski, M. Richter, A. Hartung, J. Rist, F. Trinter, K. Fehre, N. Schlott, K. Henrichs, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, M. Schöffler, Kunlong Liu, I. Barth, J. Kaushal, F. Morales, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova, R. Dörner   

    Nature Physics 14 (2018) 701–704
  2. Amplification of intense light fields by nearly free electrons

    M. Matthews, F. Morales, A. Patas, A. Lindinger, J. Gateau, N. Berti, S. Hermelin, J. Kasparian, M. Richter, T. Bredtmann, O. Smirnova, J.-P. Wolf, M. Ivanov

    Nature Physics 14 (2018) 695–700
  3. On-target diagnosing of few-cycle pulses by high-order-harmonic generation

    D. S. Brambila, A. Husakou, M. Ivanov, N. Zhavoronkov

    Physical Review A 96 (2017) 063825
  4. Symmetry Breaking and Strong Persistent Plasma Currents via Resonant Destabilization of Atoms

    C. Brée, M. Hofmann, A. Demircan, U. Morgner, O. Kosareva, A. Savel’ev, A. Husakou, M. Ivanov, I. Babushkin

    Physical Review Letters 119 (2017) 243202/1-5
  5. Extended ellipticity control for attosecond pulses by high harmonic generation

    N. Zhavoronkov, M. Ivanov

    Optics Letters 42 (2017) 4720-4723
  6. Time-resolved high harmonic spectroscopy of dynamical symmetry breaking in bi-circular laser fields: the role of Rydberg states

    Á. Jiménez Galán, N. Zhavoronkov, M. Schloz, F. Morales, M. Ivanov

    Optics Express 25 (2017) 22880-22896
  7. Strong-field assisted extreme-ultraviolet lasing in atoms and molecules

    T. Bredtmann, S. Patchkovskii, M. Y. Ivanov

    New Journal of Physics 19 (2017) 073011/1-11
  8. Rabi oscillations in extreme ultraviolet ionization of atomic argon

    M. Floegel, J. Durá-Diez, B. Schütte, M. Ivanov, A. Rouzée, M. J. J. Vrakking

    Physical Review A 95 (2017) 021401R/1-5
  9. Attosecond control of spin polarization in electron-ion recollision driven by intense tailored fields

    D. Ayuso, A. Jiménez-Galán, F. Morales, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova

    New Journal of Physics 19 (2017) 073007/1-10
  10. A molecular clock for autoionization decay

    L. Medisauskas, R. Bello, A. Palacios, A. González-Castrillo, F. Morales, L. Plimak, O. Smirnova, F. Martin, M. Ivanov

    Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 50 (2017) 144001/1-9