Prof. Dr. Mikhail Ivanov
+49 30 6392 1210
T1: Attosecond Theory Group
Haus A, 2.14
MBI Publikationen
- Extracting sub-cycle electronic and nuclear dynamics from high harmonic spectra Scientific Reports 11 (2021) 2485/1-8
- Enantio-sensitive unidirectional light bending Nature Communications 12 (2021) 3951/1-9
- Ultrafast optical rotation in chiral molecules with ultrashort and tightly focused beams Optica 8 (2021) 1243-1246
- Topological protection versus degree of entanglement of two-photon light in photonic topological insulators Nature Communications 12 (2021) 1974/1-7
- Sub-cycle valleytronics: control of valley polarization using few-cycle linearly polarized pulses Optica 8 (2021) 277-280
- Lightwave control of topological properties in 2D materials for sub-cycle and non-resonant valley manipulation Nature Photonics 14 (2020) 728/1-7
- N2+ lasing: Gain and absorption in the presence of rotational coherence Physical Review A 102 (2020) 013111/1-11
- Rotational quantum beat lasing without inversion Optica 7 (2020) 586-592
- Population transfer to high angular momentum states in infrared-assisted XUV photoionization of helium Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53 (2020) 164003/1-15
- Signatures of the orbital angular momentum of an infrared light beam in the two-photon transition matrix element: A step toward attosecond chronoscopy of photoionization Physical Review A 101 (2020) 033412/1-5