MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

MBI Publikationen

  1. A look under the tunnelling barrier via attosecond-gated interferometry

    O. Kneller, D. Azoury, Y. Federman, M. Krüger, A. J. Uzan, G. Orenstein, B. D. Bruner, O. Smirnova, S. Patchkovskii, M. Y. Ivanov, Nirit Dudovich

    Nature Photonics 16 (2022) 304-310
  2. Strong chiral response in non-collinear high harmonic generation driven by purely electric-dipole interactions

    D. Ayuso, A. F. Ordonez, P. Decleva, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova

    Optics Express 30 (2022) 4659-4667
  3. All-optical Stückelberg spectroscopy of strongly driven Rydberg states

    U. Bengs, S. Patchkovskii, M. Y. Ivanov, N. Zhavoronkov

    Physical Review Letters 4 (2022) 023135/1-8
  4. Characterization of laser-induced ionization dynamics in solid dielectrics

    P. Jürgens, B. Liewehr, B. Kruse, C. Peltz, T. Witting, A. Husakou, A. Rouzée, M. Y. Ivanov, T. Fennel, M. J. J. Vrakking, A. Mermillod-Blondin

    ACS Photonics 9 (2022) 233–240
  5. Rydberg atomic antenna in strongly driven multielectron atoms

    S. Carlström, J. M. Dahlström, M. Y. Ivanov, S. Patchkovskii

    Physical Review A 106 (2022) 043114/1-7
  6. Synthetic chiral vortices for highly-sensitive chiral discrimination

    N. Mayer, D. Ayuso, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova

    Frontiers in Optics 2022 Optica Publishing Group (2022)
  7. Reconstruction of strong-field-driven carrier generation dynamics from injection harmonics in solid dielectrics

    P. Jürgens, B. Liewehr, B. Kruse, C. Peltz, T. Witting, A. Husakou, A. Rouzée, M. Y. Ivanov, T. Fennel, M. J.J. Vrakking, A. Mermillod-Blondin

    Ultrafast Phenomena 2022, Optica Publishing Group, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Tu4A. 14 (2022)
  8. Imprinting chirality on atoms using synthetic chiral light fields

    N. Mayer, S. Patchkovskii, F. Morales, M. Ivanov, O. Smirnova

    Physical Review Letters 129 (2022) 243201/1-6
  9. Role of spin-orbit coupling in high-order harmonic generation revealed by supercycle Rydberg trajectories

    N. Mayer, S. Beaulieu, Á. Jiménez-Galán, S. Patchkovskii, O. Kornilov, D. Descamps, S. Petit, O. Smirnova, Y. Mairesse, M. Y. Ivanov

    Physical Review Letters 129 (2022) 173202/1-5
  10. Topological protection of highly entangled non-Gaussian two-photon states

    K. Tschernig, R. Lo Franco, M. Y. Ivanov, M. A. Bandres, K. Busch, A. Perez-Leija

    Materials for Quantum Technology 1 (2021) 035001/1-10