Dr. Matthias Schnuerer
+49 30 6392 1315
B3: Laser Development
Haus B, 3.8
- Department Head B3 (acting) "Laser Development"
- Project Coordinator 4.2 "Application Laboratories and Technology Transfer"
During the last 15 years my research was concentrated on high field physics and laser driven matter acceleration. Focus was put on laser driven ion beam generation, source characterization, energy transformation processes in context with acceleration mechanisms. As a specific method proton imaging was developed further to study relativistic plasma dynamics. Furthermore project work was realized in laser driven electron acceleration, in operation and parameter improvement of high intensity laser systems.
In my physics diploma and PhD-work I studied deep temperature effects of electronic carrier mobility in metal oxide-oxide semiconductor structures. I got the chance to change to laser-plasma physics and started with ns-laser driven plasmas and its dynamics. These research activities comprised especially incoherent soft X-ray emission characteristics, related plasma diagnostic and colliding plasma interaction. With the advent of chirped-pulse amplification lasers my activities moved to interaction experiments with ps-, fs- and few cycle laser pulses. Special attention was paid to incoherent hard X-ray emission from laser plasmas in connection with energy transport, coherent XUV-emission from high density (X-ray laser) and gaseous density (high harmonic emission) plasmas, as well as to incoherent EUV-emission in connection with the dynamics of fs- laser exploded clusters and fusion neutron diagnostics in spray and spherical micro-droplet experiments. During the last years effects of collective electron dynamics in relativistic laser fields allowed to study several new findings in ion, electron and high harmonic emission.
In the face of completing relativistic plasma and ultra-high intensity laser physics projects at MBI I am looking forward to new tasks.
Curriculum vitae
since 2007: Department head (acting), MBI, Berlin
2001: Habilitation, Technical University (TU) Wien
since 2000: Scientific researcher, MBI, Berlin
1997-2000: Scientific employee associate at the Photonics Institute, TU Wien
1991-1997: Scientific employee associate, Max-Born-Institute (MBI), Berlin
1984-1991:} Scientific employee associate,Central Institute of Optics and Spectroscopy (ZOS), Berlin
1984: PhD in Physics, HU Berlin
1982: Diploma in Physics, Humboldt-University (HU) Berlin
MBI Publikationen
- Ion diagnostics for laser plasma experiments Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and associated Equipment 623 (2010) 709-711
- Tomography of an ultrafast laser driven proton source Physics of Plasmas 17 (2010) 063101/1-6
- Observation of quasi mono-energetic protons in laser spray-target interaction AIP Conference Proceedings 1209 (2010) 99-102
- Electron sheath dynamics and structure in intense laser driven ion acceleration Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 175 (2009) 117-121
- An efficient X-ray spectrometer based on thin mosaic crystal films and its application in various fields of X-ray spectroscopy Journal of Applied Crystallography 42 (2009) 572-579
- Correlation of spectral, spatial, and angular characteristics of an ultrashort laser driven proton source Physics of Plasmas 16 (2009) 043108/1-6
- Directional laser driven ion-acceleration from micro-spheres Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 135003-135004
- Optimal ion acceleration from ultra-thin foils irradiated by a profiled laser pulse of relativistic intensity Physics of Plasmas 16 (2009) 013103/1-7
- Radiation-pressure acceleration of ion beams driven by circularly polarized laser pulses Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 245003/1-4
- Complementary ion and extreme ultra-violet spectrometer for laser-plasma diagnosis Review of Scientific Instruments 80 (2009) 103302/1-5