Prof. Dr. Lyudmilla Isaenko
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MBI Publikationen
- Optical, vibrational, thermal, electrical, damage and phase-matching properties of lithium thioindate Journal of Optical Society America B 21 (2004) 1981-2007
- Growth and properties of LiGaX2 (X=S, Se, Te) single crystals for nonlinear optical applications in the mid-IR Cryst. Res. Technol. 38 (2003) 379-387
- LiInSe2: A biaxial ternary chalcogenide crystal for nonlinear optical applications in the mid-infrared Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002) 9475-9480
- Characterization of LiInS2 and LiInSe2 single crystals for nonlinear optical applications Progress in Semiconductors Materials for Optoelectronic Applications 692 (2002) 429-434
- Optical parametric generation of femtosecond pulses up to 9 mm with LiInS2 pumped at 800 nm Applied Physics Letters 78 (2001) 2623-2625
- LiInS2: A new nonlinear crystal for the mid-IR Mat. Sci. Semicond. Process. 4 (2001) 665-668