MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

MBI Publikationen

  1. Direct acceleration in intense laser fields used for bunch amplification of relativistic electrons

    J. Braenzel, A. A. Andreev , L. Ehrentraut, M. Schnürer

    SPIE Proceedings Series 10240 (2017) 102400G
  2. High peak and average power Ti:sapphire thin disk amplifier with extraction during pumping

    V. Chvykov, H. Cao, R. Nagymihaly, M. P. Kalashnikov, N. Khodakovskiy, R. Glassock, L. Ehrentraut, M. Schnuerer, K. Osvay

    Optics Letters 41 (2016) 3017-3020
  3. Coulomb driven energy boost of heavy ions for laser plasma acceleration

    J. Braenzel, A. A. Andreev, K. Platonov, M. Klingsporn, L. Ehrentraut, W. Sandner, M. Schnürer

    Physical Review Letters 114 (2015) 124801/1-5
  4. Energetic negative ion and atom beam generation at passage of laser accelerated high energy positive ions through a liquid spray

    F. Abicht, R. Prasad, G. Priebe, J. Braenzel, L. Ehrentraut, A. Andreev, P.V. Nickles, M. Schnürer, V. Tikhonchuk, S. Ter-Avetisyan

    SPIE Proceedings Series 8779 (2013) 87790M/1-6
  5. Temporal contrast of high intensity laser systems above 1011 with double CPA technique

    M. P. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, G. Priebe, L. Ehrentraut, S. Steinke, W. Sandner

    AIP Conference Proceedings 1462 (2012) 108-111
  6. Erratum: “MeV negative ion generation from ultra-intense laser interaction with a water spray (vol 99, 051501, 2011)

    S. Ter-Avetisyan, B. Ramakrishna, M. Borghesi, D. Doria, M. Zepf, G. Sarri, L. Ehrentraut, A. A. Andreev, P.-V. Nickles, S. Steinke, W. Sandner, M. Schnürer, V. Tikhonchuk

    Applied Physics Letters 100/1-1 (2012)
  7. MeV negative ion generation from ultra-intense laser interaction with a water spray

    S. Ter-Avetisyan, B. Ramakrishna, M. Borghesi, D. Doria, M. Zepf, G. Sarri, L. Ehrentraut, A. Andreev, P. V. Nickles, S. Steinke, W. Sandner, M. Schnuerer, V. Tikhonchuk

    Applied Physics Letters 99 (2011) 051501 /1-3
  8. Laser-driven quasimonoenergetic proton burst from water spray target

    B. Ramakrishna, M. Murakami, M. Borghesi, L. Ehrentraut, P. V. Nickles, M. Schnürer, S. Steinke, J. Psikal, V. Tikhonchuk, S. Ter-Avetisyan

    Physics of Plasmas 17 (2010) 083113/1-6
  9. Observation of quasi mono-energetic protons in laser spray-target interaction

    B. Ramakrishna, A. A. Andreev, M. Borghesi, D. Doria, L. Ehrentraut, P.V. Nickles, W. Sandner, M. Schnürer, S. Steinke, S. Ter-Avetisyan

    AIP Conference Proceedings 1209 (2010) 99-102
  10. Complementary ion and extreme ultra-violet spectrometer for laser-plasma diagnosis

    S. Ter-Avetsiyan, B.Ramakrishna, D. Doria, G. Sarri, M. Zepf, M. Borghesi, L. Ehrentraut, H. Stiel, S. Steinke, G. Priebe, M. Schnürer, P. V. Nickles, W. Sandner

    Review of Scientific Instruments 80 (2009) 103302/1-5