MBI Publikationen
- Direct acceleration in intense laser fields used for bunch amplification of relativistic electrons SPIE Proceedings Series 10240 (2017) 102400G
- High peak and average power Ti:sapphire thin disk amplifier with extraction during pumping Optics Letters 41 (2016) 3017-3020
- Coulomb driven energy boost of heavy ions for laser plasma acceleration Physical Review Letters 114 (2015) 124801/1-5
- Energetic negative ion and atom beam generation at passage of laser accelerated high energy positive ions through a liquid spray SPIE Proceedings Series 8779 (2013) 87790M/1-6
- Temporal contrast of high intensity laser systems above 1011 with double CPA technique AIP Conference Proceedings 1462 (2012) 108-111
- Erratum: “MeV negative ion generation from ultra-intense laser interaction with a water spray (vol 99, 051501, 2011) Applied Physics Letters 100/1-1 (2012)
- MeV negative ion generation from ultra-intense laser interaction with a water spray Applied Physics Letters 99 (2011) 051501 /1-3
- Laser-driven quasimonoenergetic proton burst from water spray target Physics of Plasmas 17 (2010) 083113/1-6
- Observation of quasi mono-energetic protons in laser spray-target interaction AIP Conference Proceedings 1209 (2010) 99-102
- Complementary ion and extreme ultra-violet spectrometer for laser-plasma diagnosis Review of Scientific Instruments 80 (2009) 103302/1-5