MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

MBI Publikationen

  1. Determining graphene’s induced band gap with magnetic and electric emitters

    J. F. M. Werra, P. Krüger, K. Busch, F. Intravaia

    Physical Review B 93 (2016) 081404(R)/1-5
  2. Green's function formalism for waveguide-QED applications

    M. P. Schneider, T. Sproll, C. Stawiarski, P. Schmitteckert, K. Busch

    Physical Review A 93 (2016) 013828/1-17
  3. Second harmonic generation from metal nano-particle resonators: Numerical analysis on the basis of the hydrodynamic Drude model

    A. Hille, M. Moeferdt, C. Wolff, C. Matyssek, R. Rodriguez-Oliveros, C. Prohm, J. Niegemann, S. Grafström, L. Eng, K. Busch

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2016) 1163–1169
  4. Ultrafast three-wave-mixing in plasmonic nanostructures

    D. Huynh, M. Moeferdt, C. Matyssek, C. Wolff, K. Busch

    Applied Physics B 122 (2016) 139/1-9
  5. Structure-induced resonant tail-state regime absorption in polymer: fullerene bulk-heterojunction solar cells

    T. Pfadler, T. Kiel, M. Stärk, J. F. M. Werra, C. Matyssek, D. Sommer, J. Boneneberg, K. Busch, J. Weickert, L. Schmidt-Mende

    Physical Review B 93 (2016) 5
  6. Non-Markovianity in atom-surface dispersion forces

    F. Intravaia, R. O. Behunin, C. Henkel, K. Busch, D. A. R. Dalvit

    Physical Review A 94 (2016)
  7. Photoluminescence from ultrathin Ge-rich multiple quantum wells observed up to room temperature: Experiments and modeling

    T. Wendav, I. A. Fischer, M. Virgilio, G. Capellini, F. Oliveira, M. F. Cerqueira, A. Benedetti, S. Chiussi, P. Zaumseil, B. Schwartz, K. Busch, J. Schulze

    Physical Review B 94 (2016) 245304/1-10
  8. Current sheets in the discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain method: an application to graphene

    J. F. M. Werra, C. Wolff, C. Matyssek, K. Busch

    SPIE Proceedings Series 9502 (2015) 95020E/1-12
  9. Growth and characterization of SiGeSn quantum well photodiodes

    I. A. Fischer, T. Wendav, L. Augel, S. Jitpakdeebodin, F. Oliveira, A. Benedetti, A. Stefanov, S. Chiussi, G. Capellini, K. Busch, J. Schulze

    Optics Express 23 (2015) 25048-25057
  10. Real-space imaging of nanotip plasmons using electron energy loss spectroscopy

    B. Schröder, T. Weber, S. V. Yalunin, T. Kiel, C. Matyssek, M. Sivis, S. Schäfer, von Cube, F., S. Irsen, K. Busch, C. Ropers, S. Linden

    Physical Review B 92 (2015) 085411/1-7