Prof. Dr. Kurt Busch
+49 30 6392 1261
T3: Theoretical Optics & Photonics
Haus A, 2.18

MBI Publikationen
- Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of quantum friction Physical Review A 102 (2020) 050203/1-7
- Modeling electromagnetic resonators using quasinormal modes Advances in Optics and Photonics 12 (2020) 612-708
- On the applicability of quantum-optical concepts in strong-coupling nanophotonics Reports on Progress in Physics 83 (2020) 082401/1-10
- Dispersion control in a near-infrared subwavelength resonator with a tailored hyperbolic metamaterial Optics Letters 45 (2020) 3665-3668
- Nonadditive enhancement of nonequilibrium atom-surface interactions Physical Review Letters 124 (2020) 193603/1-7
- Importance of substrates for the visibility of "dark" plasmonic modes Optics Express 28 (2020) 13938-13948
- Multiphoton synthetic lattices in multiport waveguide arrays: synthetic atoms and Fock graphs Photonics Research 8 (2020) 1161-1170
- Broadband spectrometer with single-photon sensitivity exploiting tailored disorder Nano Letters 20 (2020) 2625-2631
- Mode-independent quantum entanglement for light Physical Review A 100 (2019) 062129/1-10
- Multiphoton quantum-state engineering using conditional measurements npj Quantum Information 5 (2019) 80/1-7