MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

MBI Publikationen

  1. Breakdown of temporal-coupled-mode theory under multiple excitations with destructive interference

    L. Simonson, S. Ozdemir, K. Busch, R. El-Ganainy

    Physical Review A 110 (2024) 033506/1-8
  2. Tailoring the nonclassicality of light states via mode detuning in waveguide beam splitters

    A. Datta, A. Perez-Leija, K. Busch

    Journal of the Optical Society of America B 41 (2024) 1557-1565
  3. Spectroscopic study of the excitonic structure in monolayer MoS2 under multivariate physical and chemical stimuli

    V. Bender, T. Bucher, M. N. Mishuk, Y. Xie, I. Staude, F. Eilenberger, K. Busch, T. Pertsch, B. N. Tugchin

    physica status solidi A-Applications and Materials 221 (2024) 2300113/1-12
  4. Electron beams traversing spherical nanoparticles: Analytic and numerical treatment

    P. E. Stamatopoulou, W. Zhao, Á. Rodríguez Echarri, N. A. Mortensen, K. Busch, C. Tserkezis, C. Wolff

    Physical Review Research 6 (2024) 013239/1-13
  5. Time-domain modeling of interband transitions in plasmonic systems

    M. Pfeifer, D.‑N. Huynh, G. Wegner, F. Intravaia, U. Peschel, K. Busch

    Applied Physics B - Lasers and Optics 130 (2024) 7/1-8
  6. Surface roughness in finite-element meshes: application to plasmonic nanostructures

    F. Loth, T. Kiel, K. Busch, P.T. Kristensen

    Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40 (2023) B1-B7
  7. Resolvent expansion for discrete non-Hermitian resonant systems [Invited]

    L. Simonson, Ş. K. Özdemir, K. Busch, R. El-Ganainy

    Optical Materials Express 13 (2023) 229-236
  8. High-accuracy Casimir-Polder force calculations using the Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain method

    P. T. Kristensen, B. Beverungen, F. Intravaia, K. Busch

    Physical Review B 108 (2023) 205424/1-16
  9. The effect of nanoparticle composition on the Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering performance of plasmonic DNA origami nanoantennas

    Y. Kanehira, K. Tapio, G. Wegner, S. Kogikoski, S. Rüstig, C. Prietzel, K. Busch, I. Bald

    ACS Nano 17 (2023) 21227–21239
  10. Optical convolutional neural network with atomic nonlinearity

    M. Yang, E. Robertson, L. Esguerra, K. Busch, J. Wolters

    Optics Express 31 (2023) 16451-16459