MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

MBI Publikationen

  1. Ultrafast coherent electron transport in semiconductor quantum cascade structures

    F. Eickemeyer, K. Reimann, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, S. Barbieri, C. Sirtori, G. Strasser, T. Müller, R. Bratschitsch, K. Unterrainer

    Physical Review Letters 89 (2002) 047402/1-4
  2. Ultrafast coherent electron transport in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum cascade structures

    F. Eickemeyer, K. Reimann, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser, S.-C. Lee, A. Wacker, S. Barbieri, C. Sirtori, J. Nagle

    Physica B: Condensed Matter 314 (2002) 314-322
  3. Nonlinear magneto-optical properties of Pr1-xCaxMnO3 and Nd1-xSrxMnO3

    M. Fiebig, K. Miyano, Y. Tomioka, H. Kuwahara, Y. Tokura, K. Reimann

    Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002) 7505-7507
  4. Epitaxial Bragg mirrors for the mid-infrared and their applications

    W. Heiss, T. Schwarzl, J. Roither, G. Springholz, M. Aigle, H. Pascher, K. Biermann, K. Reimann

    Progress in Quantum Electronics 25 (2002) 193-228
  5. Femtosecond intersubband scattering of holes in Si1-xGex/Si quantum wells

    R.A. Kaindl, M. Woerner, M. Wurm, K. Reimann, T. Elsaesser, C. Miesner, K. Brunner, G. Abstreiter

    Physica B: Condensed Matter 314 (2002) 255-258
  6. Optical deformation-potential scattering of holes in multiple quantum well structures

    K. Reimann, R.A. Kaindl, M. Woerner

    Physical Review B 65 (2002) 045302/1-10
  7. Above-room-temperature operation of IV-VI microcavity lasers

    T. Schwarzl, W. Heiß, G. Springholz, K. Biermann, K. Reimann

    Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 13 (2002) 888-891
  8. Ultrafast coherent and incoherent dynamics of intersubband excitations in GaAs/AlGaAs and SiGe/Si quantum wells

    T. Elsaesser, R.A. Kaindl, K. Reimann, M. Woerner, C. Miesner, K. Brunner, G. Abstreiter, R. Hey , K.H. Ploog

    Narrow Gap Semiconductors, IPAP Conf. Series 2 (2001) 111-114
  9. Nonlinear magneto-optical properties of colossal magnetoresistive manganites

    M. Fiebig, K. Miyano, Y. Tomioka, H. Kuwahara, Y. Tokura, K. Reimann

    Physical Review Letters 86 (2001) 6002-6005
  10. Above-room-temperature mid-infrared lasing from vertical cavity surface emitting PbTe quantum-well lasers

    W. Heiss, T. Schwarzl, G. Springholz, K. Biermann, K. Reimann

    Applied Physics Letters 78 (2001) 862-4