Dr. Joachim Herrmann
Nicht mehr am MBI
MBI Publikationen
- Focusing of scanning light beams below the diffraction limit without near-field spatial control using a saturable absorber and a negative-refraction material Physical Review Letters 96 (2006) 013902/1-4
- Supercontinuum generation in planar rib waveguides enabled by anomalous dispersion Optics Express 14 (2006) 1512-1517
- Subdiffraction focusing of scanning beams by a negative-refraction layer combined with a nonlinear layer Optics Express 14 (2006) 11194-11203
- Dispersion modification and supercontinuum formation in planar rib waveguide structures SPIE Proceedings Series 6180 (2006) 61800W-61807W
- Generation of sub-30fs ultraviolet pulses by Raman induced phase modulation in nitrogen Optics Express 13 (2005) 2467-2474
- Supercontinuum generation in a two-dimensional photonic kagome crystal Applied Physics B 81 (2005) 209-217
- Third-harmonic generation in carbon nanotubes: Theory and experiment Proceeding SPIE 5352 (2004) 116-125
- High-order optical harmonic generation on carbon nanotubes: quantum-mechanical approach International Journal of Nanoscience Series 3 (2004) 343-354
- Superfocusing of light below the diffraction limit by photonic crystals with negative refraction Optics Express 12 (2004) 6491-6497
- Characterization of a nonlinear filter for the front-end of high contrast double-CPA Ti:sapphire laser Optics Express 12 (2004) 5088-5097