MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dr. Joachim Herrmann

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Polarization gating and circularly-polarized high harmonic generation using plasmonic enhancement in metal nanostructures

    A. Husakou, F. Kelkensberg, J. Herrmann, M. J. J. Vrakking

    Opt. Express 19 (2011) 25346-25354
  2. Theory of plasmon-enhancement of high-order harmonic generation in the vicinity of metal nanostructures in noble gases

    A. Husakou, S.-J. Im, J. Herrmann

    Physical Review A 83 (2011) 04443839/1-5
  3. Directionality of terahertz emission from photoinduced gas plasmas

    C. Köhler, E. Cabrera-Granado, I. Babushkin, L. Bergé, J. Herrmann, S. Skupin

    Optics Letters 36 (2011) 3166-3169
  4. High-order harmonic generation employing field enhancement by metallic fractal rough surfaces

    K.-H. Kim, A. Husakou, J. Herrmann

    Optics Express 19 (2011) 20910-20915
  5. Ultrafast spatiotemporal dynamics of terahertz generation by ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses in gases

    I. Babushkin, W. Kuehn, C. Köhler, S. Skupin, L. Bergé, K. Reimann, M. Woerner, J. Herrmann, T. Elsaesser

    Physical Review Letters 105 (2010) 053903/1-4
  6. Two-octave supercontinuum generation in a water-filled photonic crystal fiber

    J. Bethge, A. Husakou, F. Mitschke, F. Noack, U. Griebner, G. Steinmeyer, J. Herrmann

    Optics Express 18 (2010) 6230-6240
  7. Diffusion in the general theory of relativity

    J. Herrmann

    Physical Review D 82 (2010) 024026/1-10
  8. Saturable absorption in composites doped with metal nanoparticles

    K.-H. Kim, A. Husakou, J. Herrmann

    Optics Express 18 (2010) 21918-21925
  9. Linear and nonlinear optical characteristics of composites containing metal nanoparticles with different sizes and shapes

    K.-H. Kim, A. Husakou, J. Herrmann

    Optics Express 18 (2010) 7488-7496
  10. Generation of terahertz radiation from ionizing two-color laser pulses in Ar filled metallic hollow waveguides

    I. Babushkin, S. Skupin, J. Herrmann

    Optics Express 18 (2010) 9658-9663