MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dr. Joachim Herrmann

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MBI Publikationen

  1. High-harmonic and single attosecond pulse generation using plasmonic field enhancement in ordered arrays of gold nanoparticles with chirped laser pulses

    Y.-Y. Yang, A. Scrinzi, A. Husakou, Q.-G. Li, S. L. Strebbings, F. Süßmann, H.-J. Yu, S. Kim, E. Rühl, J. Herrmann, X. C. Lin, M. F. Kling

    Optics Express 21 (2013) 2195-2205
  2. All-optical delay of images by backward four-wave mixing in metal-nanoparticle composites

    K.-H. Kim, A. Husakou, J. Herrmann

    Physical Review A 87 (2013) 045805/1-4
  3. 3D numerical simulations of THz generation by two-color laser filaments

    L. Bergé, S. Skupin, C. Köhler, I. Babushkin, J. Herrmann

    Physical Review Letters 110 (2013) 073901/1-5
  4. Slow light in dielectric composite materials of metal nanoparticles

    K.-H. Kim, A. Husakou, J. Herrmann

    Optics Express 20 (2012) 25790-25797
  5. Quasi-phase-matching for third harmonic generation in noble gases employing ultrasound

    U. K. Sapaev, I. Babushkin, J. Herrmann

    Optics Express 20 (2012) 22753-22762
  6. Theory of passive mode-locking of semiconductor disk lasers in the blue spectral range by metal nanocomposites

    K.-H. Kim, U. Griebner, J. Herrmann

    Optics Express 20 (2012) 16174-16179
  7. Theory of passive mode locking of solid-state lasers using metal nanocomposites as slow saturable absorbers

    K.-H. Kim, U. Griebner, J. Herrmann

    Optics Letters 37 (2012) 1490-1492
  8. Theory of plasmonic femtosecond pulse generation by mode-locking of long-range surface plasmon polariton lasers

    K.-H. Kim, A. Husakou, J. Herrmann

    Optics Express 20 (2012) 462-473
  9. Carrier-envelope phase stabilization with sub-10 as residual timing jitter

    B. Borchers, S. Koke, A. Husakou, J. Herrmann, G. Steinmeyer

    Optics Letters 36 (2011) 4146-4148
  10. Tailoring terahertz radiation by controlling tunnel photoionization events in gases

    I. Babushkin, S. Skupin, A. Husakou, C. Köhler, E. Cabrera-Granado, L. Bergé, J. Herrmann

    New Journal of Physics 13 (2011) 123029/1-16