Dr. Joachim Herrmann
Nicht mehr am MBI
MBI Publikationen
- Period cycles, chaotic behaviour and spectral broadening in a nonlinear cavity, synchronously pumped with a pulse train Opt. Comm. 104 (1994) 405--418
- Theory of cw passive mode-locking of solid state lasers with addition of nonlinear index and group velocity dispersion Opt. Comm. 91 (1992) 123
- Bistable dark soliton solution in dispersive media with a linear and quadratic intensity-depending refraction index change Optics Communications 91 (1992) 337-340
- Bistable bright Soliton solution of the generalized Schrödinger equation for a medium with linear and quadratic intensity-depending refraction index change Opt. Comm. 87 (1992) 161-165
- Cavity design for optimum nonlinear absorption in Kerr-lens modelocked solid state lasers Opt. Comm. 92 (1992) 368-375
- Soliton propagation and soliton collision in double doped fiber with a non-Kerr-like nonlinear refraction index change Opt. Lett. 17 (1992) 484-486
- Soliton collisions and soliton fusion in dispersive materials with linear and quadratic intensity depending refraction index change IEEE J. Quant. Electr. 28 (1992) 1732