MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dr. Joachim Herrmann

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Period cycles, chaotic behaviour and spectral broadening in a nonlinear cavity, synchronously pumped with a pulse train

    S. Gatz, J. Herrmann

    Opt. Comm. 104 (1994) 405--418
  2. Theory of cw passive mode-locking of solid state lasers with addition of nonlinear index and group velocity dispersion

    V. Petrov, D. Georgiev, J. Herrmann, U. Stamm

    Opt. Comm. 91 (1992) 123
  3. Bistable dark soliton solution in dispersive media with a linear and quadratic intensity-depending refraction index change

    J. Herrmann

    Optics Communications 91 (1992) 337-340
  4. Bistable bright Soliton solution of the generalized Schrödinger equation for a medium with linear and quadratic intensity-depending refraction index change

    J. Herrmann

    Opt. Comm. 87 (1992) 161-165
  5. Cavity design for optimum nonlinear absorption in Kerr-lens modelocked solid state lasers

    D. Georgiev, J. Herrmann, U. Stamm

    Opt. Comm. 92 (1992) 368-375
  6. Soliton propagation and soliton collision in double doped fiber with a non-Kerr-like nonlinear refraction index change

    S. Gatz, J. Herrmann

    Opt. Lett. 17 (1992) 484-486
  7. Soliton collisions and soliton fusion in dispersive materials with linear and quadratic intensity depending refraction index change

    S. Gatz, J. Herrmann

    IEEE J. Quant. Electr. 28 (1992) 1732