MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Jean-Jacques Zondy

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Growth and characterization of the chalcopyrite LiGaTe2: a highly nonlinear birefringent optical crystal for the mid-infrared

    V. Petrov, L. Isaenko, A. Yelisseyev, P. Krinitsin, V. Vedenyapin, A. Merkulov, J.-J. Zondy

    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352 (2006) 2434-2438
  2. LiInSe2 nanosecond optical parametric oscillator

    J.-J. Zondy, V. Vedenyapin, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, L. Isaenko, V. Petrov

    Optics Letters 30 (2005) 2460-2462
  3. LiGaTe2: a new highly nonlinear chalcopyrite optical crystal for the mid-IR

    L. Isaenko, P. Krinitsin, V. Vedenyapin, A. Yelisseyev, A. Merkulov, J.-J. Zondy, V. Petrov

    Crystal Growth & Design 5 (2005) 1325-1329
  4. Thermal properties of the midinfrared nonlinear crystal LiInSe2

    A. P. Yelisseyev, V. A. Drebushchak, A. S. Titov, L. I. Isaenko, S. I. Lobanov, K. M. Lyapunov, V. A. Gruzdev, S. G. Komarov, V. Petrov, J.-J. Zondy

    Journal of Applied Physics 96 (2004) 3659-3665
  5. Second harmonic generation and optical parametric amplification in the mid-IR with orthorhombic biaxial crystals LiGaS2 and LiGaSe2

    V. Petrov, A. Yelisseyev, L. Isaenko, S. Lobanov, A. Titov, J.-J. Zondy

    Applied Physics B - Lasers and Optics 78 (2004) 543-546
  6. Optical, vibrational, thermal, electrical, damage and phase-matching properties of lithium thioindate

    S. Fossier, S. Salaün, J. Mangin, O. Bidault, I. Thenot, J.-J. Zondy, W. Chen, F. Rotermund, V. Petrov, P. Petrov, J. Henningsen, A. Yelisseyev, L. Isaenko, S. Lobanov, O. Balachninaite, G. Slekys, V. Sirutkaitis

    Journal of Optical Society America B 21 (2004) 1981-2007
  7. Growth and properties of LiGaX2 (X=S, Se, Te) single crystals for nonlinear optical applications in the mid-IR

    L. Isaenko, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, A. Titov, V. Petrov, J.-J. Zondy, P. Krinitsin, A. Merkulov, V. Vedenyapin, J. Smirnova

    Cryst. Res. Technol. 38 (2003) 379-387
  8. LiInSe2: A biaxial ternary chalcogenide crystal for nonlinear optical applications in the mid-infrared

    L. Isaenko, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, V. Petrov, F. Rotermund, G. Slekys, J.-J. Zondy

    Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002) 9475-9480
  9. Characterization of LiInS2 and LiInSe2 single crystals for nonlinear optical applications

    L. Isaenko, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, A. Panich, V. Vedenyapin, J. Smirnova, V. Petrov, J.-J. Zondy, G. Knippels

    Progress in Semiconductors Materials for Optoelectronic Applications 692 (2002) 429-434
  10. LiInS2: A new nonlinear crystal for the mid-IR

    L. Isaenko, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, V. Petrov, F. Rotermund, J.-J. Zondy, G. H. M. Knippels

    Mat. Sci. Semicond. Process. 4 (2001) 665-668