Prof. Dr. Ingolf Volker Hertel
+49 30 6392 1204
A: Attosecond Physics
Haus A, 2.21

- Involvement in the ongoing ProMINTion project of the HU-Berlin, including advising PhD students
- Atome, Moleküle und Optische Physik, Vol. 1 Atomphysik und Grundlagen der Spektroskopie
extensively revised and updated 2nd edition 2017 - Vol. 2 Moleküle und Photonen - Spektroskopie und Streuphysik
2nd edition is in preparation - English edition of volume 1 and 2 has been published in 2015
- DPG-Schulstudie - A study of and for teaching physics in German schools, published by the German Physical Society in Jan. 2016; now it has to be made known to the interested public and to the educational administrations in the 16 German Federal States
Curriculum vitae
Personal Data | ||
9th June 1941 | born in Dresden, Germany | |
status: | married, four children | |
a personal summary on the occasion of the 60ieth birthday (in German language only) | ||
Education and training | ||
1946 - 1950, 1951 | elementary school in Radebeul II near Dresden and in Freiburg/Br. | |
1951 - 1957 | humanistic grammer school in Freiburg/Br. | |
1957 - 1960 | apprenticeship as physics laboratory assistant | |
1960/04 -1963/07 | studying engineer for technical physics (ing. grad.) Lübeck | |
1963/10 - 1967/03/07 | studying physics (Dipl. Phys.) Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg/Br. | |
1969/05/08 | doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) ibid. | |
Academic career | ||
1969/04 - 1970/09 | post doctoral position, Unversität Mainz | |
1970/10-1978/09 | Associate Professor at University Kaiserslautern | |
1978 | calls on chairs (C4 - positions) to Siegen and Berlin | |
1978/10-1986/09 | full professor of exp. physics, Freie Universität Berlin | |
1986/10-1993/06 | full professor of physics, Universität Freiburg | |
1992/05/01-2009/09/30 | director at the Max Born Institute; since 2009/10/01 director emeritus | |
1993/07-2009/09 | Universitätsprofessor (C4-S) FB Physik der Freien Universität Berlin | |
2010/01/01-2015/12/31 | Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Senior Professor for the further development of teachers educaton in Physics at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and member of the Humboldt ProMINT Kolleg | |
2016/01/01-2016/12/31 | Humboldt Senior Advisor at the Physics Institute of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin | |
since 2018/02/22 | Honorary Professor at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin | |
Textbook on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, German and English (each 2 Vol.) | ||
Periods in foreign laboratories | ||
1967/04 - 1968/12 | research fellow, Dept. of Physics, Southampton University, England | |
1973/09 - 1973/10
| visiting professor Universidad Nacional, Bogota, Columbia | |
1973/09 - 1973/10
| visiting fellow, JILA, Boulder Col., USA | |
1990/02 - 1990/07 | directeur de recherche, Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (CNRS), Orsay, Frankreich | |
Offices, committees, science administration | ||
1970 - 1978 | participation in building up the newly founded University Kaiserslautern | |
1970/11 - 1972/02 | first dean of the department of physics ibid | |
1975 - 1987 | general and executive committee of the "International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC)" | |
1977 und 1978 | speaker of the first DFG funded "Collaborative Research Centre" in Kaiserslautern | |
1981 - 1989 | Atomic Physics Board of the European Physical Society | |
1985 - 1986 | initiation of the Collaborative Research Centre 337 in Berlin | |
1978-1985 | co-Editor of Zeitschrift für Physik A, Atoms and Nuclei | |
1986 - 1997 | editor in chief Zeitschrift für Physik D, Atoms, Molecules and Clusters | |
1989/01 - 1993/12 | rapporteur senate-committee of the DFG for the Collaborative Research Centres | |
1987 - 1993 | planning of the interdisciplinary Freiburg Materials Research Centre (FMF), founding director together with H.J. Cantow und K.W.Benz | |
1990/10 - 1992/09 | Dekan bzw. Prodekan der Fakultät für Physik der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg/Br. | |
Summer 1992 - 2009/09/30 | speaker of the non-university research institutes in Berlin-Adlershof (IGAFA) | |
since 1992 | member of the jury for the Otto-Klung prize (since 2007: Klung- Wilhelmy-Weberbank prize) | |
1994/01 - 2000/00 | member of the board of WISTA management GmbH | |
1995/03/31 - 1998/09/30 | first president of the "Leibniz association" (formerly so called Blue List) - WGL | |
since 1996 | member in the board of the binational German Israeli James-Franck Programme | |
1998/01 - 2003/03 | editor in chief of "The European Physical Journal D" (jointly with G. Grynberg, Orsay, und T. Arecchi, Florenz) | |
1998/10/01 - 2000/01/17 | undersecretary for science and research, Senate administration for Science, research and culture of the state of Berlin | |
since 1999/11 | member of the board of the Magnus Haus – German Physical Society (DPG) | |
2000/09-2004/11 | chair of the executive board OpTecBB e.V - Competence network for Optical Technologies in Berlin and Brandenburg | |
since 2003/04 | External Advisor of "The European Physical Journal D" | |
2004/12 - summer 2009 | member of the executive board of OpTecBB | |
2004-2010 | member of the science council of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences | |
2004-2011 | member of the supervisory board ISAS, Dortmund | |
2006/11/20-2009/09/30 | chair of the advisory board, WISTA Management GmbH | |
2006/11 - 2018/06 | chair of the board of the Magnus Haus – German Physical Society (DPG) | |
since 2008 | Member of the Jury Science Price of the Governing Major of Berlin | |
1.1.2009-31.12.2011 | Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Chemical Physics | |
since 2009/10/01 | Honorary chair of the joint initiative of non-university research institutes in Berlin-Adlershof (IGAFA) | |
2010/04 to 2012/12 | Member of the advisory board of the Stiftung Brandenburger Tor | |
2011-2015 | Coordinator (jointly with Siegfried Großmann, Marburg) of an author group of the German Physical Society on "Teachers education and the situation of physics in the secondary schools in Germany" | |
since 2012 ... | Representative of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academie of Science in theNational MINT Forum | |
Memberships, honours | ||
since 1970 | German Physical Society | |
1995 | "The James Franck Memorial Lecture" Israelien Academy of Science and Humanities, Jerusalem | |
since 1997/06 | ordinary (since 2011 eo) member of the Berlin Brandenburg Academie of Science | |
since 2001/09 | honorary Professor at the University of Potsdam | |
2004/02 | cross of merit first class of the Federal Republik of Germany - (laudatio in German language only) | |
since 2018/02/22 | Honorary Professor at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin | |
since 2018/06 | Honorary Member of the Magnus-Haus Berlin of the German-Physical-Society | |
since 2018/11/09 | Needle of Honor of the German-Physical-Society |
MBI Publikationen
- Modeling of electron dynamics in laser-irradiated solids: progress achieved through a continuum approach and future prospects SPIE Proceedings Series 6732 (2007) 673208/1-15
- Electronic structure of Adenine and Thymine base pairs studied by femtosecond electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111 (2007) 11743-11749
- Control of giant breathing motion in C60 with temporally shaped laser pulses Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 058302/1-4
- Excited state relaxation of protonated adenine ChemPhysChem 8 (2007) 751-755
- Molecules and clusters in strong laser fields Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions 87 Springer (2007) 485-617
- Hydrogen bonds in liquid water studied by photoelectron spectroscopy Journal of Chemical Physics 126 (2007) 124504/1-6
- Hydrogen bonding in liquid water probed by resonant Auger-electron spectroscopy Journal of Chemical Physics 127 (2007) 094501/1-6
- Theoretical models and qualitative interpretations of fs laser material processing Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 2 (2007) 76-86
- Spatial distribution of refractive index variations induced in bulk fused silica by single ultrashort and short laser pulses Journal of Applied Physics 101 (2007) 043506/1-7
- Fast electronic transport and coulomb explosion in ultrafast laser irradiated materials Laser Ablation and its Applications Part I Photonic Associates (2006) 525-544