MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten


  • Involvement in the ongoing ProMINTion project of the HU-Berlin, including advising PhD students
  • Atome, Moleküle und Optische Physik, Vol. 1 Atomphysik und Grundlagen der Spektroskopie
    extensively revised and updated 2nd edition 2017
  • Vol. 2 Moleküle und Photonen - Spektroskopie und Streuphysik
    2nd edition is in preparation
  • English edition of volume 1 and 2 has been published in 2015
  • DPG-Schulstudie - A study of and for teaching physics in German schools, published by the German Physical Society in Jan. 2016; now it has to be made known to the interested public and to the educational administrations in the 16 German Federal States

Curriculum vitae

Personal Data

9th June 1941born in Dresden, Germany
status:married, four children
a personal summary on the occasion of the 60ieth birthday (in German language only)

Education and training

1946 - 1950, 1951elementary school in Radebeul II near Dresden and in Freiburg/Br.
1951 - 1957humanistic grammer school in Freiburg/Br.
1957 - 1960apprenticeship as physics laboratory assistant
1960/04 -1963/07studying engineer for technical physics (ing. grad.) Lübeck
1963/10 - 1967/03/07studying physics (Dipl. Phys.) Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg/Br.
1969/05/08doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) ibid.

Academic career

1969/04 - 1970/09post doctoral position, Unversität Mainz
1970/10-1978/09Associate Professor at University Kaiserslautern
1978calls on chairs (C4 - positions) to Siegen and Berlin
1978/10-1986/09full professor of exp. physics, Freie Universität Berlin
1986/10-1993/06full professor of physics, Universität Freiburg
1992/05/01-2009/09/30director at the Max Born Institute; since 2009/10/01 director emeritus
1993/07-2009/09Universitätsprofessor (C4-S) FB Physik der Freien Universität Berlin
2010/01/01-2015/12/31Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Senior Professor for the further development of teachers educaton in Physics at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and member of the Humboldt ProMINT Kolleg
2016/01/01-2016/12/31Humboldt Senior Advisor at the Physics Institute of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
since 2018/02/22

Honorary Professor at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Textbook on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, German and English (each 2 Vol.)
more than 330 scientific publications in peer refereed journals and books (chemical physics, laser physics)

See also Google-Scholar


Periods in foreign laboratories

1967/04 - 1968/12research fellow, Dept. of Physics, Southampton University, England
1973/09 - 1973/10



visiting professor Universidad Nacional, Bogota, Columbia
1973/09 - 1973/10


visiting fellow, 
JILA, Boulder Col., USA
1990/02 - 1990/07directeur de recherche, Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (CNRS), Orsay, Frankreich

Offices, committees, science administration

1970 - 1978participation in building up the newly founded University Kaiserslautern
1970/11 - 1972/02first dean of the department of physics ibid
1975 - 1987general and executive committee of the "International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC)"
1977 und 1978speaker of the first DFG funded "Collaborative Research Centre" in Kaiserslautern
1981 - 1989Atomic Physics Board of the European Physical Society
1985 - 1986initiation of the Collaborative Research Centre 337 in Berlin
1978-1985co-Editor of Zeitschrift für Physik A, Atoms and Nuclei
1986 - 1997editor in chief Zeitschrift für Physik D, Atoms, Molecules and Clusters
1989/01 - 1993/12rapporteur senate-committee of the DFG for the Collaborative Research Centres
1987 - 1993planning of the interdisciplinary Freiburg Materials Research Centre (FMF), founding director together with H.J. Cantow und K.W.Benz
1990/10 - 1992/09Dekan bzw. Prodekan der Fakultät für Physik der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg/Br.
Summer 1992 - 2009/09/30speaker of the non-university research institutes in Berlin-Adlershof (IGAFA)
since 1992member of the jury for the Otto-Klung prize (since 2007: Klung- Wilhelmy-Weberbank prize)
1994/01 - 2000/00member of the board of WISTA management GmbH
1995/03/31 - 1998/09/30first president of the "Leibniz association" (formerly so called Blue List) - WGL
since 1996member in the board of the binational German Israeli James-Franck Programme
1998/01 - 2003/03editor in chief of "The European Physical Journal D" (jointly with G. Grynberg, Orsay, und T. Arecchi, Florenz)
1998/10/01 - 2000/01/17undersecretary for science and research, Senate administration for Science, research and culture of the state of Berlin
since 1999/11member of the board of the Magnus Haus – German Physical Society (DPG)
2000/09-2004/11chair of the executive board OpTecBB e.V - Competence network for Optical Technologies in Berlin and Brandenburg
since 2003/04External Advisor of "The European Physical Journal D"
2004/12 - summer 2009member of the executive board of OpTecBB
2004-2010member of the science council of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences
2004-2011member of the supervisory board ISAS, Dortmund
2006/11/20-2009/09/30chair of the advisory board, WISTA Management GmbH
2006/11 - 2018/06chair of the board of the Magnus Haus – German Physical Society (DPG)
since 2008Member of the Jury Science Price of the Governing Major of Berlin
1.1.2009-31.12.2011Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Chemical Physics
since 2009/10/01Honorary chair of the joint initiative of non-university research institutes in Berlin-Adlershof (IGAFA)
2010/04 to 2012/12Member of the advisory board of the Stiftung Brandenburger Tor
2011-2015Coordinator (jointly with Siegfried Großmann, Marburg) of an author group of the German Physical Society on "Teachers education and the situation of physics in the secondary schools in Germany"
since 2012 ...Representative of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academie of Science in theNational MINT Forum

Memberships, honours

since 1970German Physical Society
1995"The James Franck Memorial Lecture" Israelien Academy of Science and Humanities, Jerusalem
since 1997/06ordinary (since 2011 eo) member of the Berlin Brandenburg Academie of Science
since 2001/09honorary Professor at the University of Potsdam
2004/02cross of merit first class of the Federal Republik of Germany - (laudatio in German language only)
since 2018/02/22

Honorary Professor at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

since 2018/06

Honorary Member of the Magnus-Haus Berlin of the German-Physical-Society

since 2018/11/09

Needle of Honor of the German-Physical-Society

MBI Publikationen

  1. Modeling of electron dynamics in laser-irradiated solids: progress achieved through a continuum approach and future prospects

    N. M. Bulgakova, A. Rosenfeld, L. Ehrentraut, R. Stoian, I. V. Hertel

    SPIE Proceedings Series 6732 (2007) 673208/1-15
  2. Electronic structure of Adenine and Thymine base pairs studied by femtosecond electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy

    N. Gador, E. Samoylova, V. R. Smith, A. Stolow, D. M. Rayner, W. Radloff, I. V. Hertel, T. Schultz

    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111 (2007) 11743-11749
  3. Control of giant breathing motion in C60 with temporally shaped laser pulses

    T. Laarmann, I. Shchatsinin, A. Stalmashonak, M. Boyle, N. Zhavoronkov, J. Handt, R. Schmidt, C. P. Schulz, I. V. Hertel

    Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 058302/1-4
  4. Excited state relaxation of protonated adenine

    D. Nolting, R. Weinkauf, I. V. Hertel, T. Schultz

    ChemPhysChem 8 (2007) 751-755
  5. Molecules and clusters in strong laser fields

    C. P. Schulz, T. Burnus, A. Castro, E. K. U. Gross, A. Heidenreich, I. V. Hertel, J. Jortner, T. Laarmann, I. Last, R. J. Levis, M. A. L. Marques, D. A. Romanov, A. Saenz

    Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions 87 Springer (2007) 485-617
  6. Hydrogen bonds in liquid water studied by photoelectron spectroscopy

    B. Winter, E. F. Aziz, U. Hergenhahn, M. Faubel, I. V. Hertel

    Journal of Chemical Physics 126 (2007) 124504/1-6
  7. Hydrogen bonding in liquid water probed by resonant Auger-electron spectroscopy

    B. Winter, U. Hergenhahn, M. Faubel, O. Björneholm, I. V. Hertel

    Journal of Chemical Physics 127 (2007) 094501/1-6
  8. Theoretical models and qualitative interpretations of fs laser material processing

    N. M. Bulgakova, I. M. Burakov, Y. P. Meshcheryakov, R. Stoian, A. Rosenfeld, I. V. Hertel

    Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 2 (2007) 76-86
  9. Spatial distribution of refractive index variations induced in bulk fused silica by single ultrashort and short laser pulses

    I. M. Burakov, N. M. Bulgakova, R. Stoian, A. Mermillod-Blondin, E. Audouard, A. Rosenfeld, A. Husakou, I. V. Hertel

    Journal of Applied Physics 101 (2007) 043506/1-7
  10. Fast electronic transport and coulomb explosion in ultrafast laser irradiated materials

    N. M. Bulgakova, R. Stoian, A. Rosenfeld, I. V. Hertel, E. E. B. Campbell

    Laser Ablation and its Applications Part I Photonic Associates (2006) 525-544