MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

MBI Publikationen

  1. Population density gratings induced by few-cycle optical pulses in a resonant medium

    R. M. Arkhipov, A. V. Pakhomov, M. V. Arkhipov, I. Babushkin, A. Demircan, U. Morgner, N. N. Rosanov

    Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 12467/1-21
  2. Population difference gratings produced by unipolar subcycle pulses in a resonant medium

    R. M. Arkhipov, M. V. Arkhipov, I. Babushkin, A. V. Pakhomov, N. N. Rosanov

    Quantum Electronics 47 (2017) 589-592
  3. Self-optimization of plasmonic nanoantennas in strong femtosecond fields

    L. Shi, B. Iwan, R. Nicolas, Q. Ripault, J. R. C. Andrade, S. Han, H. Kim, W. Boutu, D. Franz, T. Heidenblut, C. Reinhardt, B. Bastiaens, T. Nagy, I. Babushkin, U. Morgner, S.-W. Kim, G. Steinmeyer, H. Merdji, M. Kovacev

    Optica 4 (2017) 1038-1043
  4. Simple route toward efficient frequency conversion for generation of fully coherent supercontinua in the mid-IR and UV range

    I. Babushkin, A. Tajalli, H. Sayinc, U. Morgner, G. Steinmeyer, A. Demircan

    Light: Science & Applications 6 (2017) e16218/1-8
  5. Generation of unipolar pulses in a circular Raman-active medium excited by few-cycle optical pulses

    R. M. Arkhipov, A. V. Pakhomov, I. V. Babushkin, M. V. Arkhipov, Yu. A. Tolmachev, N. N. Rosanov

    Journal of The Optical Society of America B 33 (2016) 2518-2524
  6. Formation and erasure of population difference gratings in the coherent interaction of a resonant medium with extremely short optical pulses

    R. M. Arkhipov , M. V. Arkhipov, I. Babushkin, N. N. Rosanov

    Optics and Spectroscopy 121 (2016) 758-764
  7. Few-cycle pulse-driven excitation response of resonant medium with nonlinear field coupling

    A. V. Pakhomov, R. M. Arkhipov, I. V. Babushkin, N. N. Rosanov, M. V. Arkhipov

    Laser Physics Letters 13 (2016) 126001/1-5
  8. Ultrafast creation and control of population density gratings via ultraslow polarization waves

    R. M. Arkhipov, M. V. Arkhipov, I. Babushkin, A. Demircan, U. Morgner, N. N. Rosanov

    Optics Letters 41 (2016) 4983-4986
  9. Controlling the radiation parameters of a resonant medium excited by a sequence of ultrashort superluminal pulses

    R. M. Arkhipov, M.V. Arkhipov, P.A. Belov, I. Babushkin, Yu. A. Tolmachev

    Optics and Spectroscopy 120 (2016) 423-433
  10. Generation of unipolar optical pulses in a Raman-active medium

    R. M. Arkhipov, M. V. Arkhipov, P. A. Belov, Y. A. Tolmachev, I. Babushkin

    Laser Physics Letters 13 (2016) 046001/1-5