MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

MBI Publikationen

  1. Selective ultrafast control of multi-level quantum systems by subcycle and unipolar pulses

    R. Arkhipov, A. V. Pakhomov, M. Arkhipov, A. Demircan, U. Morgner, N. Rosanov, I. Babushkin

    Optics Express 28 (2020) 17020-17034
  2. Unusual terahertz waveforms from a resonant medium controlled by diffractive optical elements

    A. V. Pakhomov, R. M. Arkhipov, M.V. Arkhipov, A. Demircan, U. Morgner, N. N. Rosanov, I. Babushkin

    Scientific reports 9 (2019) 7444/1-12
  3. Terahertz radiation generation by three-color laser pulses in air filament

    V. Vaičaitis, O. Balachninaitė, U. Morgner, I. Babushkin

    Journal of Applied Physics 125 (2019) 173103/1-9
  4. Unipolar subcycle pulse-driven nonresonant excitation of quantum systems

    R. M. Arkhipov, A. V. Pakhomov, M. V. Arkhipov, I. Babushkin, A. Demircan, U. Morgner, N. N. Rosanov

    Optics Letters 44 (2019) 1202-1205
  5. Spectral broadening and conical emission of near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses in air

    V. Vaicaitis, M. Kretschmar, R. Butkus, R. Grigonis, U. Morgner, I. Babushkin

    Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 51 (2018) 045402/1-6
  6. Mode-locking based on zero-area pulse formation in a laser with a coherent absorber

    M. V. Arkhipov, A. A. Shimko, R. M. Arkhipov, I. Babushkin, A. A. Kalinichev, A. Demircan, U. Morgner, N. N. Rosanov

    Laser Physics Letters 15 (2018) 075003/1-7
  7. Passive and hybrid mode locking in multi-section terahertz quantum cascade lasers

    P. Tzenov, I. Babushkin, R. Arkhipov, M. Arkhipov, N. Rosanov, U. Morgner, C. Jirauschek

    New Journal of Physics 20 (2018) 053055/1-10
  8. Near-infrared conical emission from 800 nm filament in air

    D. E. Shipilo, D. V. Pushkarev, N. A. Panov, D. S. Uryupina, V. A. Andreeva, R. V. Volkov, A. V. Balakin, A. P. Shkurinov, I. Babushkin, U. Morgner, O. G. Kosareva, A. B. Savel’ev

    Laser Physics Letters 14 (2017) 035401/ 1-6
  9. All-optical control of unipolar pulse generation in a resonant medium with nonlinear field coupling

    A. V. Pakhomov, R. M. Arkhipov, I. V. Babushkin, M. V. Arkhipov, Yu. A. Tolmachev, N. N. Rosanov

    Physical Review A 95 (2017) 013804/1-8
  10. Weak stochastic ratchets and dynamic localization in measurement-induced quantum trajectories

    I. Babushkin

    Physical Review A 95 (2017) 042101/1-13