MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dr. Haohai Yu

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MBI Publikationen

  1. Tunable femtosecond laser based on the Nd3+: BaLaGa307 disordered crystal

    A. Agnesi, F. Pirzio, L. Tartara, E. Ugolotti, H. Zhang, J. Wang, H. Yu, V. Petrov

    Laser Physics Letters 11 (2014) 035802/1-4
  2. 90-fs diode-pumped Yb:CLNGG laser mode-locked using single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber

    Y. Zhang, V. Petrov, U. Griebner, X. Zhang, S. Y. Choi, J. Y. Gwak, F. Rotermund, X. Mateos, H. Yu, H. Zhang, J. Liu

    Optics Express 22 (2014) 5635-5640
  3. Generation of 40 ns laser pulses by a diode-pumped passively Q-switched Tm,Ho:YLF laser

    B. Oreshkov, A. Gianfrate, S. Veronesi, V. Petrov, U. Griebner, H. Yu, I. Buchvarov, D. Parisi, M. Tonelli

    Laser Physics Letters 11 (2014) 115801/1-5
  4. Wavelength-versatile graphene-gold film saturable absorber mirror for ultra-broadband mode-locking of bulk lasers

    J. Ma, G. Xie, P. Lv, W. Gao, P. Yuan, L. Qian, U. Griebner, V. Petrov, H. Yu, H. Zhang, J. Wang

    Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 5016/1-6
  5. High-harmonic and single attosecond pulse generation using plasmonic field enhancement in ordered arrays of gold nanoparticles with chirped laser pulses

    Y.-Y. Yang, A. Scrinzi, A. Husakou, Q.-G. Li, S. L. Strebbings, F. Süßmann, H.-J. Yu, S. Kim, E. Rühl, J. Herrmann, X. C. Lin, M. F. Kling

    Optics Express 21 (2013) 2195-2205
  6. Optical orbital angular momentum conservation during the transfer from plasmonic vortex lens to light

    H. Yu, H. Zhang, Y. Wang, S. Han, H.-F. Yang, X.-G. Xu, Z. Wang, V. Petrov, J. Y. Wang

    Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 3191/1-5
  7. 378-fs pulse generation with the Nd3+:SrLaGa3O7 (Nd:SLG) disordered crystal

    A. Agnesi, F. Pirzio, L. Tartara, E. Ugolotti, H. Zhang, J. Wang, H. Yu, V. Petrov

    Laser Physics Letters 10 (2013) 105815/1-4
  8. Passively Q-switched Tm:BaY2F8 lasers

    H. Yu, S. Veronesi, X. Mateos, V. Petrov, U. Griebner, D. Parisi, M. Tonelli

    SPIE Proceedings Series 8786 (2013) 878616/1-8
  9. Generation of crystal-structure transverse patterns via a self-frequency-doubling laser

    H. Yu, H. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Wang, V. Petrov

    Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 1085/1-6
  10. Compact passively Q-switched diode-pumped Tm:LiLuF4 laser with 1.26 mJ output energy

    H. Yu, V. Petrov, U. Griebner, D. Parisi, S. Veronesi, M. Tonelli

    Optics Letters 37 (2012) 2544-2546