Dr. Claus Peter Schulz
+49 30 6392 1252
A2: Ultrafast XUV-Physics
Haus A, 3.08
huhu test
MBI Publikationen
- Photoelectron imaging of XUV photoionization of Co2 by 13-40 eV synchrotron radiation Journal of Chemical Physics 139 (2013) 124309/1-10
- Coulomb explosion of diatomic molecules in intense XUV fields mapped by partial covariance Journal of Physics B-Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46 (2013) 164028/1-11
- Ultrafast photo-excitation dynamics in isolated, neutral water clusters Journal of Chemical Physics 134 (2011) 094305/1-10
- Atome, Moleküle und optische Physik 2; Moleküle und Photonen - Spektroskopie und Streuphysik Springer-Lehrbuch Springer-Verlag (2010) , 639 pages
- Ultrafast dynamics in Na-doped water clusters and the solvated electron Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114 (2010) 1508-1513
- Ultrafast dynamics in Na-doped water clusters Ultrafast Phenomena XVI 92 Springer (2009) 373-375
- Multiphoton excitation and ionization by elliptically polarized, intense short laser pulses: Recognizing multielectron dynamics and doorway states in C60 vs Xe Physical Review A 79 (2009) 053414/1-17
- Stability of two-component alkali clusters formed on helium nanodroplets European Physical Journal D 52 (2009) 67-70
- Fragmentation and ionization dynamics of C60 in elliptically polarized femtosecond laser fields Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 023003/1-4
- Excitation, fragmentation and control of large finite systems: C60 in moderately strong laser fields Springer Series: "Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science III" 89 (2008) 129-148