MBI-Mitarbeiter - Persönliche Daten

Dr. Benjamin Philipp Fingerhut


T4: Biomolecular Dynamics
Haus C, 3.3

MBI Publikationen

  1. Field-induced electron generation in water: solvation dynamics and many-body interactions

    M. Woerner, B. P. Fingerhut, T. Elsaesser

    Journal of Physical Chemistry B 126 (2022) 2621-2634
  2. Coherent polaron dynamics of electrons solvated in polar liquids

    P. Singh, J. Zhang, A. Ghalgaoui, K. Reimann, B. P. Fingerhut, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser

    PNAS Nexus 1 (2022) pgac078/1-8
  3. Short-range slowdown of water solvation dynamics around SO42- - Mg2+ ion pairs

    A. Kundu, S. I. Mamatkulov, F. N. Brünig, D. J. Bonthuis, R. R. Netz, T. Elsaesser, B. P. Fingerhut

    ACS Physical Chemistry Au 2 (2022) 506-514
  4. Short-range slowdown of water solvation dynamics around SO42- - Mg2+ ion pairs

    A. Kundu, S. I. Mamatkulov, F. N. Brünig, D. J. Bonthuis, R. R Netz, T. Elsaesser, B. P. Fingerhut

    Ultrafast Phenomena 2022 Optica Publishing Group (2022) F2A.2/1-2
  5. Coherent underdamped polarons in liquid alcohols

    P. Singh, J. Zhang, A. Ghalgaoui, K. Reimann, B. P. Fingerhut, M. Woerner, T. Elsaesser

    Ultrafast Phenomena 2022 Optica Publishing Group (2022) W4A.30/1-2
  6. Infrared and NMR spectroscopic fingerprints of the asymmetric H7+O3 complex in solution

    E. Kozari, M. Sigalov, D. Pines, B. P. Fingerhut, E. Pines

    ChemPhysChem 22 (2021) 053306/1-15
  7. Phosphate vibrations probe electric fields in hydrated biomolecules: spectroscopy, dynamics, and interactions

    T. Elsaesser, J. Schauss, A. Kundu, B. P. Fingerhut

    Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125 (2021) 3899-3908
  8. The mutual interactions of RNA, counterions and water - quantifying the electrostatics at the phosphate-water interface

    B. P. Fingerhut

    Chemical Communications 57 (2021) 12880 - 12897
  9. Electron transfer induced active site structural relaxation in 64-photolyase of drosophila melanogaster

    M. Osswald, B. Fingerhut

    Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125 (2021) 8690–8702
  10. Contact pairs of RNA with magnesium ions-electrostatics beyond the Poisson-Boltzmann equation

    B. P. Fingerhut, J. Schauss, A. Kundu, T. Elsaesser

    Biophysical Journal 120 (2021) 5322–5332