Dr. Arkadi Rosenfeld
Nicht mehr am MBI
MBI Publikationen
- Direct observation of femtosecond laser induced modifications in the bulk of fused silica by phase contrast microscopy Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 1 (2006) 155-160
- Tailored excitation sequences for optimized laser-induced modifications in bulk transparent materials exposed to sub-ps irradiation Photonics Photon Processing in Microelectronics and Photonics V 6106 SPIE Proceedings (2006) 610601/1-9
- Fast electronic transport and coulomb explosion in ultrafast laser irradiated materials Laser Ablation and its Applications Part I Photonic Associates (2006) 525-544
- Optimized energy coupling at ultrafast laser-irradiated metal surfaces by tailoring intensity envelopes: Consequences for material removal from Al samples Physical Review B 74 (2006) 224106/1-16
- Transient response of dielectric materials exposed to ultrafast laser radiation Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing 84 (2006) 413-422
- Scalable multichannel micromachining with pseudo-nondiffracting vacuum ultraviolet beam arrays generated by thin-film axicons Optics Letters 31 (2006) 1666-1668
- Roughness evolution in thin film growth of SiO2 and Nb2O5 Journal of Applied Physics 98 (2005) 103516/1-7
- Adaptive control of ion beams produced by ultrafast laser ablation of silicon Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials IX 5725-50 (2005) 329-343
- Temporal pulse manipulation and consequences for ultrafast laser processing of materials Optical Engineering 44 (2005) 051106/1-10
- Optimization of ultrafast laser generated low-energy ion beams from silicon targets Applied Physics Letters 87 (2005) 124105/1-3